Alito disagreed with the legal rationale used by the woman he would replace: Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor joined neither opinion, saying there was nothing in it to justify reconsidering Roe.
Sandra Day O'Connor's recent resignation gave Mr Bush a chance to reshape the Supreme Court in a more conservative mould.
But in case after case, decade after decade, Sandra Day O'Connor was the critical vote on this court.
Sandra Day O'Connor, Rachael Carson, Toni Morrison, Margaret Thatcher, Clara Barton, Marie Curie.
Retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was presiding over a two-day conference on the independence of the judiciary.
Justice SANDRA DAY O'CONNOR (US Supreme Court): It says the military must have equal access with any other employer.
But three of their appointees, Sandra Day O'Connor, Anthony Kennedy and David Souter, have proved to be fairly moderate.
His next choice, to replace the centrist Sandra Day O'Connor, may be trickier.
Now, in each and every one of the earlier cases, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor cast the decisive fifth vote back when.
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and the Rabbi Harold Kusher will give readings, while Irish tenor Ronan Tynan will sing.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who usually sides with the conservatives, is considered the swing vote on this issue, as on many others.
The number of women on the Supreme Court has recently fallen by half, from two to one, thanks to Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement.
In 1981 when Sandra Day O'Connor was nominated by President Reagan to be the first woman on the court, she was confirmed unanimously.
With the departure of moderate justice Sandra Day O'Connor, it may now be the court that conservative politicians have been dreaming of for years.
Waxman recovered, mustered an additional 111 words about how it's technologically feasible for Websites to screen users by age, when Justice Sandra Day O'Connor interrupted.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor will (as usual) have the swing vote.
ECONOMIST: A controversial old debate returns to the Supreme Court
Here's a quick starter list: Rometty, Hall of Fame golfer Nancy Lopez, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
This was the first full session with both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito on the court, replacing William Rehnquist and Sandra Day O'Connor.
While that makes Miers sound a bit like the coalition-building Sandra Day O'Connor, who's retiring from the court, LaBoon said Miers would not play a similar role.
Although she was appointed by Ronald Reagan, Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman on the court, turned out to be a more flexible Republican than some conservatives wanted.
But other cases, ruled on this week, showed that the appointment of Mr Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor may have nudged the court a little to the right.
Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Stephen Breyer were in the majority opinion on the ruling, which was more than 300 pages.
Other heavy hitters in the group include former Defense Secretary William Perry, former CIA Director Robert Gates, former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and former Attorney General Edwin Meese.
If confirmed by the Senate, Roberts would replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who gained a reputation as a moderate swing voter in her 24 terms on the nation's highest court.
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, considered a key swing vote on this issue, said law schools make many choices in picking students, and she wondered aloud why they could not also consider race.
The court did not split on political grounds: the four dissenters, for instance, included two conservative justices (William Rehnquist and Clarence Thomas) and two moderate justices (Sandra Day O'Connor and John Paul Stevens).
ECONOMIST: If you liked the film ��Sideways��, you'll love this ruling
He is said to want to nominate a woman: since the retirement of Sandra Day O'Connor, a notable swing vote on the court, only Ruth Bader Ginsburg remains, and she has been battling cancer.
Another bad sign: Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, a Reagan appointee who often provides the swing vote in 5-4 cases, also scrutinized Tribe closely--and rescued a stammering Olson at one point with a softball query.
But when confronted by the ideological debates and partisan landscape of Washington, Souter surprised both Sununu and Bush by aligning himself with the court's more moderate wing, which also included Reagan appointee Sandra Day O'Connor.