And Sulger is sanguine enough to keep a staff of 175 to serve 250, 000 customers.
Whereas other people have become more sanguine because of the strength in the last two years.
In fact, as Mr Xhaferi knows all too well, there is no reason to be sanguine.
She ran the decision by a supervisor and returned to the caller, who seemed sanguine.
Analysts are sanguine about the loss, even though punitive damages could be on the way.
The political repercussions around the world of such an attack would be anything but sanguine.
In the meantime, analysts are somewhat sanguine about the prospects for the Cox-2 drugs.
It is also reasonably sanguine about BA's other big problem: its enormous pension deficit.
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Where Mr Gordon breaks with conventional wisdom is in taking a sanguine view of bear markets.
But if my Spidey senses are right, the collective national dialogue now leans sanguine.
For less sanguine investors, the idea of going cap in hand to China smacked of desperation.
ECONOMIST: A successful bond issue provides only temporary respite
The more that house prices surge ahead, the less realistic this sanguine scenario looks.
But Crystal Fibre's director, Michael Kjaer, is sanguine about the potential of the company's product.
But Gabriel Oddone, an economist at the University of the Republic, is more sanguine.
He will be less sanguine if it turns out these are the best of days though.
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Yet this sanguine view is not shared by many Turks, who accuse the government of a cover-up.
So these -- he is not resting at all, and we are not the least bit sanguine.
The sanguine point out that this has no effect on cashflow, since such charges are non-cash items.
ECONOMIST: Companies that paid too much for a competitor count the cost
This forecast would prove too sanguine if America were to slip into recession, as seems increasingly likely.
ECONOMIST: Economic troubles: When the credit dries up | The
Jared Bernstein of the liberal Economic Policy Institute was less sanguine than Clinton on the new report.
And on the economic prospects in the run-up to South Africa 2010 he also seeks to be sanguine.
One reason to be more sanguine is that pay settlements so far this year have been quite restrained.
ECONOMIST: The bank wants to nail down inflationary expectations
He may well be too sanguine about growth in 1999, and a sharper slowdown would hurt tax revenues.
Felix Salmon of Reuters is nowhere near as sanguine about Newsweek Global.
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While his uncle and cousin were sanguine, Gautum insisted the game was changing.
Investors are probably less sanguine, though many old Brazil hands, used to rocky rides, are waiting out the worst.
American insurers have a slightly bigger slug of subprime holdings than the Europeans (see chart), but analysts are sanguine.
Those sanguine about the impact of large wealth losses, he notes, need only consider the current events in Albania.
She is less sanguine about copper, aluminum and other industrial commodities, whose prices went through the roof during 1970s stagflation.
More sanguine observers reckon that a smoothly handled debt-restructuring need not cause the chaos and pain that Argentina has seen.