Both chuckled sarcastically on a couple of occasions in response to statements by McNamee.
" He sarcastically declares her obsession is not love, but "the reverse, like a curse.
Correa sarcastically suggested that he should be able to keep a base in Miami.
The chair of the state Democratic Party, Chris Redfern, sarcastically calls Paget the perfect candidate for the Republicans.
Moussaoui had smiled as he walked into court, flashing a victory sign and waving sarcastically at the judge.
Uefa banned Wayne Rooney for two matches on Tuesday for sarcastically applauding referee Kim Milton Nielsen after he was booked.
BBC: SPORT | Football | My Club | Celtic | Dougal unhappy with Lennon's ban
Assistant District Attorney Patrick Blessington characterized Lynn's behavior as "disgraceful, " "shameful" and "ridiculous, " sarcastically calling him a "hero" who put young people in harm's way.
Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni sarcastically said that he's glad Wednesday's game turned out the way it did, so the hype surrounding Lin would die down.
Mr Sweeney interrupted throughout the proceedings, at one stage applauding sarcastically.
BBC: Canal murders accused John Sweeney 'cut up girlfriends'
In my earlier post, I rather sarcastically questioned whether Kaba engineers, in the 1960s, were aware of the concept of magnetism as it applies to covert entry.
In talking of the weak executive team around his choice of director general, Patten said sarcastically that George Entwistle "talked a good game" about reducing the number of senior managers.
In her statement at the hearing, she sarcastically thanked Rudolph for leaving behind an extensive trail of clues and sneered at him for taking a plea bargain that spared his life.
In a January 2007 column, I wrote about how Tony Dungy, head coach of the Indianapolis Colts who led his team to victory in the Super Bowl last year, pushes his players hard but doesn't curse at them, chew them out, or speak to them sarcastically -- unusual behavior in the National Football League's scream-and-holler culture.