But there is something about the sari that gives it a unique staying power.
To most Indian women it would be news that the sari was ever gone.
Concerns that globalization will wipe out the sari are not entirely baseless of course.
Mukesh shunned a tuxedo for an Indian Nehru jacket with Nita wearing an exquisite Indian sari.
In short, the sari has seamlessly transformed itself, trading the values of tradition for those of modernity.
"So we decided to focus on the sari-sari stores, which are run by micro-entrepreneurs, " Mr. Aquino said.
The dress is called the sari and consists of 6 yards of cloth.
The other HP directors who allowed Leo to bring in his buddies include: Lawrence Babbio, Sari Baldauf, and G.
Still, business practices at most sari-sari stores haven't kept up with the times.
That is Sari Bourne, the field organizer for Marion, Lucas and Wayne Counties.
CNN: Clinton's November 19, 2007, speech on economic challenges
Inside, perfectly groomed, sari-clad hostesses lead customers to counters already swarming with shoppers.
Sari Weis, 28, is a program coordinator at the San Francisco Health Plan.
Outside the Tata Motors gates in Pune, a woman in a flowing red sari balances a 3-foot-wide basket on her head.
At Taman Sari bungalows are set on a long stretch of quiet beach, and feature intricate carvings and other traditional artwork.
The owners of Paddy's Bar and the Sari Club have not made it clear what they want to see on their land.
Sari material and other ethnic touches are popping up again in the European couture houses ("Indian" shocking pink is big this year).
They also include the Rocket Stove built out of an old fuel can and the four-folded sari method in Bangladesh to remove cholera.
In the wake of all the hyperventilating, many Indian fashionistas, eager to assert their social consciences, adopted the sari as their pet cause.
"But I couldn't hold myself back: I had to go in, it was my daughter, " says Tarannum, wiping her tears with her sari.
Tintin, along with Captain Haddock, Snowy and a host of other passengers - including a woman in a purple sari and green blouse!
Globalization is certainly giving Indian women options outside the sari, forcing it to share wardrobe space with cocktail dresses, evening gowns and corporate pant-suits.
However, except for the fact that both the sari and the kimono inhabit countries east of the prime meridian, they have little in common.
Window browsing may yield simultaneous shopping therapy and colour therapy, as sari-clad mannequins strike sassy poses and endless rows of brightly-hued bangles wink at buyers.
If a kimono is like a cloak that swaddles a woman, a sari is like a veil that hides or flaunts what a woman chooses.
They can be found in most towns, and are fixtures in poor neighborhoods where housewives run sari-sari stores to supplement their otherwise meager family incomes.
Restaurant owner Sari Sarikini said he feels the impact of Israeli security restrictions, which mean he has to buy all his supplies from Israeli wholesalers.
But that hardly means that the sari is headed for extinction.