Orenstein talks about the marketing that focuses little girls on pink, pretty, sexy and sassy.
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But the real star is Porter, who delivers a touching, sassy, nuanced performance, often in 8-inch heels.
It features a bevy of sassy women who contrast with Mr Tusk's mainly grey, male and middle-aged cabinet.
Designed under the Christian Dior label, his fashions are sensual, sassy and perfect for a trip to the Turks and Caicos.
FORBES: The Perfect [Positive] Storm: Fashions, Travel and Shopping
Diane von Furstenberg is renowned for her iconic wrap dress and signature prints for the ever-sassy career woman -- embodying the DVF label.
We tip our hat to Jennifer Garner for starting this trend when she named her firstborn sweet, sassy Violet (Latin, purple flower).
More of that fat, sassy baritone leads into a crazy rave-up that could start a spontaneous street party far better than those scripted hoedowns in the movies.
Window browsing may yield simultaneous shopping therapy and colour therapy, as sari-clad mannequins strike sassy poses and endless rows of brightly-hued bangles wink at buyers.
Yes I am talking about initiatives like the World Domination unconference and Lead Without Followers, sassy names for the business of finding a new you.
As for the sassy 10-year-old, there was no stopping him once he'd thought of his ideal Halloween craft: a graham cracker haunted house decorated, of course, with lots of candy.
"You have banded together like the sassy little honey badgers you are and made this possibility happen, " said Bell in her own online message, promising fans the "sleuthiest, snarkiest" movie possible.
Neckties, button-downs and pocket squares have all had their moments in the spotlight, noted Will Meyer, 43, a partner in the Manhattan architecture and design firm Meyer Davis Studio and a fan of sassy socks.
Tarantino -- who is famous for sometimes taking years over projects -- says it wasn't easy, but subjected himself to the same discipline necessary to get his 1992 sassy and hyper-violent debut "Reservoir Dogs" completed.
CNN: Have Tarantino and his 'Inglourious Basterds' got what it takes?
You read the funny moments when Noelle takes milkshake orders from patients on an oncology ward with her sassy, waitress alter-ego, then the poignant moments knowing that small treat is the one light these patients may have at all.
The script, by Michael Bacall (from a story he co-wrote with Hill) rings brightly with sassy and salacious lines and sharp-edged characters, and what the directors, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, lack in finesse they make up for with attitude.
There are some smart, sassy and sticky pop songs and some smooth, strong productions - but the two do not collide often enough to give the impression of a singer who is going to escape the sinking Spice Girls ship.
Sporting sassy names like The National Nectar, Ancient Rome, The Hen of the Golden Eggs, Firing Line, The Worst Is Nothing and Men Without Fear, most of these dives are patronised by a handful of elderly men who tote their own containers to be filled.