Mr Rodgers' father, Liverpool football manager Brendan Rodgers, sat at the back of the court with relatives of the accused as he gave evidence.
BBC: Brighton footballer says posed photos were 'boy banter'
Nearly every day, he sat at the back of Galway court house and listened to the details of his wife's last days, and her miscarriage of their 17-week-old female foetus, a much-longed for child.
So, when some of the old man's teeth needed pulling, he sat down at the kitchen table, knocked back a belt of whiskey, and yanked them out himself with a pair of electrician's pliers.
After fifty more minutes, the man at the desk sat back in his chair.
Reaching around the tree with both hands, joining his hands at the wrists, he sat himself up, leaned back against the tree.
He saw Lydia embrace one of the men, from the back, lean over him as he sat at the table and put her face beside his.
He sat at the table reading a book, his back straight, his head bent as if in prayer.
He sat at one end of the tables, leaning back in his chair, his knee propped against the table edge.
Back at her door, I sat down next to where the bag had been.
Then we went back inside very gently and sat down in a booth at the rear of the room.
Yet Anschutz himself sat down with Michael Jackson before deciding to back Jacko's ill-fated farewell performances at the O2.
Back at campaign headquarters, volunteers sat quietly and watched their man speak on CNBC at the Gilchrist Metal Fabricating Company.
Yet Anschutz himself sat down with Michael Jackson before deciding to back Jacko's ill-fated farewell per for mances at the O2.
And at 10 the next morning, I went back with a friend, bought one, and we sat on a nearby bench, ripped it apart with our fingers and ate every bit.