• Enter the satellite tracking devices, which scientists are using to try to make the turtles' migration safer.

    CNN: Endangered turtles race to save their future

  • Satellite tracking, they say disdainfully, is not yet accurate enough for the tight margins within which they operate.

    ECONOMIST: The other Texas

  • Even though steering-wheel locks, satellite tracking and immobilisers had helped to reduce car thefts, trade in stolen parts remained a problem.

    ECONOMIST: Monitor

  • By this we can imagine things like satellite tracking, intelligence sharing, and naval patrols, though the latter remain politically sensitive in Japan.

    FORBES: Japan's Energy Dependence

  • Satellite tracking will be used to monitor the movements of a serial sex attacker, according to the Scottish Mail on Sunday .

    BBC: What the Scottish Sunday papers say

  • He wore a satellite tracking device to record his mileage.

    BBC: Marathon man completes record-breaking challenge

  • Botswana also boasts lower corporate taxes, an absence of exchange controls, simpler labour laws and little of the violent crime that prompts South Africans to fit their cars with alarms, satellite tracking devices and even flame-throwers.

    ECONOMIST: The desert booms

  • Pictured at left above, Easton started working at the Naval Research Laboratory in 1943, and later helped develop MINITRACK, the very first satellite tracking system, which in turn led to the concept Easton dubbed TIMATION (short for "time navigation").

    ENGADGET: GPS pioneer Roger L. Easton inducted into National Inventors Hall of Fame

  • Advanced satellite tracking technologies allow "open road" tolling, in which motorists would be charged per mile of road used -- just as consumers are charged per kilowatt hour for electricity, per gallon of water, or per minute of cell phone use -- without the backup at the toll booth.

    CNN: Road tax alternative: Pay for each mile you drive

  • On the other hand Russell Crowe is relaxed and kicking up his heels as Ed Hoffman, Roger's Langley supervisor and often enough "the eye in the sky, " keeping his thumb on Ferris through more of those scarily efficient satellite tracking systems we keep seeing in movies this year.

    CNN: Review: 'Body of Lies' flat

  • This type of tag, however, requires a buoy to carry the aerial, and this is attached to the shark by a ten-metre-long line. (The line is needed because the sharks themselves rarely break the surface, and the transmitter cannot signal to the satellite from under water.) Two American biologists, Scott Eckert and Brent Stewart, from the Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute in San Diego, have had some success with satellite tracking.

    ECONOMIST: Whale sharks

  • Following the Welsh discovery, marine ecologists at Swansea University and University College Cork used satellite-tracking systems to follow 10 leatherbacks from their nesting sites in the tropics.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mystery of Wales turtle 'solved'

  • Qualcomm started out making satellite-based tracking systems for trucking companies, but Irwin had far bigger plans:selling the world on a new digital way to connect cellular calls and carry 40 times as much traffic as the old analog systems then in place.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Agoglia hauls a multi-terrain hovercraft, dirt bikes, satellite phones with GPS tracking, a huge generator and a large water pump.

    CNN: Floods: U.S. 'deserves this type of response'

  • In April, at a conference in New Orleans, he blasted the Hurricane Center's parent agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, for not making plans to replace an aging satellite considered vital in tracking hurricanes.

    NPR: Hurricane Center Weathers Own Storm

  • Satellites beyond Earth use radio waves for tracking and communication, but the moon satellite is the only one to rely on lasers for tracking, NASA said.


  • Satellite and space expert Dr Stuart Eves stressed the large uncertainties involved in tracking the "decay" of satellite orbits (their slow fall back into the Earth's atmosphere).

    BBC: Nasa refines satellite crash time

  • In April, China launched its first tracking data relay satellite to lessen its dependency on ground satellite control and relay stations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: China��s one world?

  • Both spacecraft make use of the US space agency's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) to speak to the ground and controllers do not want any conflicts.

    BBC: Total cargo: 4,860kg

  • Since then, both military and commercial satellite operators have put more resources into tracking space debris.

    WSJ: Falling Satellite Debris Might Hit U.S.

  • The GOES-13 satellite, which is also known as GOES East, launched into space in 2006 and was responsible for tracking weather systems across the eastern United States while another GOES satellite monitored the country's western regions, according to NASA records.

    MSN: Key US East Coast weather satellite GOES-13 fails

  • The Cairngorms National Park Authority hopes to follow up sightings from the public by tracking down hen harrier nests and satellite tagging chicks.

    BBC: Hen harrier sightings sought in Cairngorms

  • Another possible draw: the introduction of a service called Sea Smart, a one-button emergency gizmo, comparable to OnStar for luxury autos, with a panic button that sends a signal via satellite every ten seconds and offers real-time tracking of the distressed vessel on a 3-D color map back at Sea Tow's headquarters.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The data are sent from the orbiting outpost to NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellites, which relay it to the satellite reception dishes at NASA's White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico.

    ENGADGET: AMS detects excess of positrons, could suggest existence of dark matter

  • Cemex can do this because its trucks are now equipped with dashboard computer navigation terminals that allow tracking by a central dispatch unit using state-of-the-art global positioning satellite technology.

    FORBES: Cement meets the cyberworld

  • Satellite zoom-ups are driving the popularity of real estate upstart Zillow.com, where you can waste hours tracking down how much your neighbors paid for their homes (and what your childhood home now is worth).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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