This is the 23rd mission for India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) - a seven-storey-high, 230 tonne rocket.
Strand-1 is booked to fly on the Indian space agency's (Isro) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) on 25 February.
The 1, 008kg satellite was launched from a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).
Those are speeding bullets, some the size of school buses, and all capable of knocking out a satellite or manned vehicle.
On August 18, Russia lost a sophisticated Express-AM4 telecommunications satellite when the launch vehicle put it into the wrong orbit.
Although this vehicle currently dominates the commercial satellite launch market, it is facing increased competition, especially from the US, where a new rocket developed by the Californian SpaceX company is undercutting Ariane sharply on price.
This time, a Soyuz-2 vehicle failed to put a communications satellite into orbit after lifting away from the country's Plesetsk spaceport.
The vehicle is equipped with a DirecTV satellite link and LCD monitors.
On 18 August, the week before the loss of the space station mission, a Proton vehicle failed to put a communications satellite in its proper orbit.
All four multimedia models offer access to satellite radio from SiriusXM with SXV200 SiriusXM Connect Vehicle Tuner (sold separately, SiriusXM subscription required) and will support advanced features such as SiriusXM Replay.
The vehicle successfully put six spacecraft in orbit for US satellite phone and data company, Globalstar.
It uses a vehicle-mounted camera, object-recognition software and satellite positioning to create detailed 3-D maps of roads, pinpointing features such as pot-holes.
These modifications will enable the vehicle to better optimize its payload capacity for heavier, more lucrative satellite customers - and also to offer a broader range of orbits to those clients.
The engine constantly throttles up and down, not only to counter the drag on the satellite from residual air molecules in near space but also to smooth the flight of the vehicle to minimise the noise in the gravity measurements.
Decked out in red, white and blue, the vehicle's interior serves as a TV control room -- complete with computer, video, satellite and videophone equipment -- where the network's crew can create, rework and transmit data around the world.