The latest offering from the country's leading social satirist, Chris Lilley, offers yet more proof.
As a satirist of social pretensions, Evelyn Waugh (1903-66) is something of a Thackeray step-child.
The writer who calls himself Fake Steve Jobs is one heck of a gifted satirist.
Most striking is the Cinque Stelle, or 5-Star, movement, organised by satirist and comedian Beppe Grillo.
His response was worthy of a great Russian satirist -- a Gogol or a Bulgakov perhaps.
Aubyn, as social satirist, likes parties: he quickly gets to work on his grinning corpses.
Perhaps he did, in the sense that in every satirist there is a bit of loathing.
Warsame Shire Awale, a writer, singer, comedian and radio personality, worked as a satirist for Radio Kulmiye.
This was quickly followed by fake accounts for Paramount Films, Aston Martin and even chief satirist Stephen Colbert.
The comeback was complete when he defeated Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch, the sister of political satirist Stephen Colbert.
It is not his first foray into telly, though, having worked with satirist Chris Morris on Channel 4's Nathan Barley.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - Zombie Big Brother starts on E4
The sudden departure led some to think that Apple, which has battled bloggers in the past, had squashed the satirist.
Even the comedian and social satirist Chris Lilley, of Angry Boys fame, might have blanched at repeating some of her views.
Speakers have included satirist Armando Iannucci, politicians Tam Dalyell and Sir Menzies Campbell and Rachel Elnaugh of the BBC's Dragons' Den programme.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Politics festival 'huge success'
Earlier this month, Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef made headlines after he was charged for mocking both Islam and Egypt's president, Mohamed Morsy.
CNN: Middle Eastern youth find comic relief through stand-up
Egypt's ruling Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) has accused the US of "interference" after it criticised legal action against a TV satirist.
BBC: Egypt ruling party slams US 'interference' over satirist
Stumbling around, apparently hapless, Baron Cohen conducted interviews with people who somehow never realized that they were talking to a calculating satirist.
But Davies was actually something like the Carol Burnett or the Kristen Wiig of her day, an immensely likable comedienne and satirist.
Satirist Tony Hendra has returned to making fun of the Grey Lady.
Finally, like so many of his countrymen, he is a master satirist.
Veteran satirist Scarfe has been the Sunday Times's political cartoonist since 1967.
Great colleagues also make for a great job, and one of our Forbes stars is Forbes Life editor, and satirist supremo, Chris Buckley.
While reading French and German at New College, Oxford, his fondness for Abba and the Bee Gees did not mark him out as a satirist.
As an illustrator did he have the passion and individual vision that put a satirist such as Daumier (see article) into the category of great art?
The Mark Twain Prize honors people who have an impact on society in the tradition of Samuel Clemens, better known as Twain, as a social commentator and satirist.
While some have criticized the House for turning a witness chair over to Stephen Colbert, in reality, the comedy show host and satirist used his testimony to explain well the issue of illegal immigration and migrant farm workers.
The anonymous satirist who runs "The Secret Diary of Fake Steve Jobs" started hitting up his readers for money-making ideas just weeks after being named to Business 2.0's list of "50 Who Matter Now, " even while, in character as Apple Chief Steve Jobs, he boasted about Apple's huge stock gains.
The anonymous satirist who runs "The Secret Diary of Fake Steve Jobs" started hitting up his readers for money-making ideas just weeks after being named to Business 2.0's list of "50 Who Matter Now, " even while, in character as Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) Chief Steve Jobs, he boasted about Apple's huge stock gains.