• As the violence escalated several Arab Gulf countries - including Saudi Arabia - decided to withdraw their observers.

    BBC: Syria condemns Arab League move to suspend monitoring

  • America has blacklisted a handful, including, jointly with Saudi Arabia, Bosnian and Somali branches of the Saudi Arabia-based al-Haramain Islamic Foundation.

    ECONOMIST: Money, bombs and bin Laden | The

  • Sir William - now ambassador to Saudi Arabia - acknowledged that international support for the sanctions policy in place against Iraq since 1991 - which underpinned the policy of containment - was steadily breaking down at the time.

    BBC: Iraq inquiry told of 'clear' threat from Saddam Hussein

  • Meanwhile, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is going to the Middle East early in the new year to drum up support from the so-called mainstream states -Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia - for stability in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories.

    NPR: Bush and Iraq: A Punctured State of Denial

  • As ever, foreign affairs issues are likely to occupy much time at the summit, and Berlusconi -- who has just returned from Saudi Arabia -- will be calling for backing for the Saudi Middle East peace plan, seen by some EU officials as the only game in town at present.

    CNN: European leaders

  • Before the ouster last year of President Hosni Mubarak, Egypt sided with Sunni-led Saudi Arabia and Sunni-dominated Arabian Gulf States toward the isolation of Shiite-led Iran.

    CNN: Egyptian president to visit Iran

  • Another irony: like crude oil, a small number of countries--Russia, Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia--control the vast majority of the world's natural gas reserves.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • And Simon Murie, founder of niche tour operator Swimtrek, says the Strait of Hormuz (Oman-Iran), Gulf of Aqaba (Egypt-Saudi Arabia) and La Perouse Strait (Hokkaido, Japan - Sakhalin, Russia) are all waiting to be swum.

    BBC: What adventures are actually left?

  • We are in consultation with the IEA and the oil-producing states -- of which Saudi Arabia is one -- about the unrest in the Middle East and the effect on oil prices.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • About 1.5 million Sri Lankans work abroad -- nearly 400, 000 of them in Saudi Arabia alone -- because of their limited earning potential at home.

    CNN: Sri Lanka appeals to Saudi king to spare maid's life

  • The Jeddah, Saudi Arabia-based OIC has been a contributor to CAIR, and the two have a history of coordinated meetings, methodologies and goals.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- Saudi Arabia's deputy consul was kidnapped in Yemen's southern port city of Aden Wednesday, two security officials there told CNN.

    CNN: Saudi diplomat kidnapped in Yemen

  • The Nepalese government says 58, 000 Nepalese women are working in these Gulf states -- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman.

    CNN: Nepal bans women under 30 from working in Gulf states

  • And universities in Asia--indeed, extending all the way to the Arab Gulf and the King Abdullah megaplex for science and technology in Saudi Arabia--are rising to offer an alternative.

    FORBES: Side Lines

  • Although the risk from Dubai is not systemically important on a global level, it is significant across the United Arab Emirates and the rest of Gulf Cooperation Council--Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar.

    FORBES: Doctor Doom

  • And in terms of -- Saudi Arabia is an important partner and we are in regular contact at a variety of levels with the Saudi government, and I think that this is just part of that sort of continued contact.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The BBC's Charles Haviland in Colombo says that it appears that the maid's passport was falsified to give her age as 23 when she went to Saudi Arabia - other documents said to be genuine show that in fact she was only 17 and therefore a child.

    BBC: Rizana Nafeek: Mother forgives over Saudi beheading

  • It is therefore hardly surprising that the state faith of Saudi Arabia - Wahhabism - has become the most dynamic ideological strain of Islamism in Sub-Saharan Africa, given that the Ministry of Islamic Affairs reportedly receives more money for activity in Africa than does the Foreign Ministry.


  • Jockeying for position among an array of Syrian groups also reflects interventions by key backers - like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, as well as Turkey and the US - to try to forge an opposition to their liking.

    BBC: World powers struggle to reach agreement on Syria

  • Its huge, long-running contract with Saudi Arabia, known as al-Yamamah, accounts for more than a quarter of its pre-tax profits, according to Mr Fothergill.

    ECONOMIST: Europe's defence industry

  • Nidae Al-Ryadh of Free Access to Scientific and Technical Information was the first Arabic declaration in support of OA by the participants in the Second Gulf-Maghreb Scientific Congress (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 25-26, 2006), which calls for free access to all scientific literature on the internet.

    UNESCO: Global Open Access Portal

  • The UAE would get about 26 F-16 fighters and it and Saudi Arabia would get advanced air-launched missiles.

    NPR: Pentagon Chief Stresses Israel's Right To Hit Iran

  • Still, Feldman claims his systems can follow currency down to pennies or a 5-halala coin from Saudi Arabia, and identify serial numbers and issue-places of money orders and traveler's checks.

    FORBES: CyberSleuth

  • But countries that are playing multi-alignment don't have to thaw domestically -- witness Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan.

    CNN: From Burma to Myanmar: Land of rising expectations

  • The Group B matches kick off on Sunday, with Japan playing Jordan and 2007 runners-up Saudi Arabia taking on Syria.

    CNN: China defeat 10-man Kuwait at Asian Cup

  • The Saudi security services continued to pursue terrorist suspects, six of whom were killed in a shoot-out in north-western Saudi Arabia .

    ECONOMIST: Seeking Saddam

  • During his Mideast tour, Bush also is scheduled to visit oil-rich Saudi Arabia, where he will meet King Abdullah amid increasing American frustration at gas prices.

    CNN: Israelis, Palestinians clash as Bush arrives in Israel

  • While wireless carriers in the United States battle to outdo one another by offering customers the most possible features, carriers in cameraphone-wary Saudi Arabia fight to gain market share by offering less services than the competition.

    ENGADGET: Saudi mobile carriers ban SMS voting for Arab reality show

  • While the developed world, led by the U.S., staggered through a global credit crunch, China's gross domestic product grew 11% in the first quarter, and the Gulf Cooperation Council--the oil-rich federation of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates--averaged nearly 7% growth in the same period.

    FORBES: The New Silk Road

  • In fact, in the course of a long career in the Foreign Service, Freeman served in capacities - notably as ambassador to Saudi Arabia and as the number two man in Embassy Beijing - where the job often is seen as representing the host government to his own, rather than the other way around.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Garbage in, garbage out

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