The Savages are grimly aware that they will have to do the same thing soon.
He first came to prominence in 1961 with the film The Young Savages, with Burt Lancaster.
The Savages have to put their estranged father in a nursing home when he develops dementia.
So, "The Savages" - written and directed by Tamara Jenkins - Tamara, Tamara?
Yet after she recovered, the Savages consulted with a doctor and remained intent on pursuing future pregnancies.
Among Chicago's Nobel savages, as a wit described them, are Milton Friedman (1976) and Robert Lucas (1995).
That is, until they fall from grace and then the media dons its armored lances and savages their fallen Gods of Mammon.
In her latest film, The Savages, Linney portrays a deliciously flawed character.
In the editorial, Topol savages the research that led to the test.
Mr. Tenet savages the staffer from my office who presented that critique, although elsewhere he sanctimoniously derides "despicable" political attacks on hard-working professionals.
He once wrote an essay criticizing Joseph Conrad, author of "Heart of Darkness, " as a racist for his depiction of Africans as savages.
Our camp was fenced in, we all knew one another, and the savages entered only during working hours, and then only with permission.
He's had a cult following and healthy overseas readership but was little-known in the U.S. until "Savages" raised his profile a bit in 2010.
WSJ: Salma Hayek, John Travolta and Benicio Del Toro in Oliver Stone's Savages
Forget the clunky, weighty peasant mugs of yore (for savages) and clear some space for a new generation of erudite, lean and feather light beerware.
In late January, the makers of "Savages" got a surprise call from their studio changing the film's release date from a relatively safe fall slot.
WSJ: Salma Hayek, John Travolta and Benicio Del Toro in Oliver Stone's Savages
The title of his first exhibition devoted to this material, "Statuary in Wood by African Savages: The Root of Modern Art" (1914) captures both the innovation and the contradictions of this debut.
After learning about the mistake, the Savages made two decisions right away: They would not abort the baby, and when he was born, they would relinquish the baby to his DNA parents.
With five embryos left over from IVF -- and despite the risks to Carolyn's health -- the Savages, guided by their religious beliefs, refused to let the unused embryos at the clinic languish.
The Savages are not releasing the name of the clinic where they underwent the IVF procedure, but provided CNN with proof of their reproductive predicament, including results of amniocentesis, a genetic test, indicating the baby Carolyn is carrying is not theirs.
Indians, once fixed in the American mind's eye as bands of howling savages bent on doing no good to John Wayne, are nowadays more often seen as the devoted children of Mother Earth, determined to preserve the planet for future generations.