• Uniformed members of the U.S. military serving in designated combat zones are eligible to participate in the Department of Defense Savings Deposit Program (SDP).

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • After the new policy takes effect this week, the big five banks have all set their one year savings deposit rates at 3.5%, unchanged from before the move.

    FORBES: China Beyond The Rate Cuts

  • Last year, the government began breaking up the local cartel in savings and time deposit rates, leading to increased competition for retail funds.


  • When faced with unexpected expenses, Ms. Chapman advises clients to dip first into the assets with the lowest rates of return, such as certificates of deposit or savings accounts.

    WSJ: Expecting the Unexpected When

  • Employers then deposit the savings resulting from the difference between those and the more usual type of coverage in an account for the person to use for routine medical expenses.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • As the women earn money, the lending organization also provides them with a place to deposit their savings, and over time, these women become lenders to the next group of borrowers.

    FORBES: Bringing Microfinance to America may be harder than you think

  • Employers then deposit the savings resulting in the difference between these policies and the more usual type of coverage into an account for the employee to use for routine medical expenses, a medical version of Individual Retirement Accounts.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • But in China, where most savings are in the form of bank deposits and where earnings on savings are a significant portion of total household earnings, lowering deposit rates tends to increase the savings rate.

    WSJ: China's Consumption Conundrum

  • Participants also had to own investments other than a bank savings account or certificate of deposit.

    NPR: Financial Discipline Grows 5 Years After Crisis

  • For example, a "single account" is one account category that includes deposits in checking, savings accounts, money market deposit accounts and time deposits such as certificates of deposit (CDs).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • They deposit about two-thirds of these savings in China's four big state-owned banks, which lend about two-thirds of these deposits to state-run firms.

    ECONOMIST: A reheated economy

  • The deposit rate is already at zero, making savings account worthless after inflation.

    FORBES: Barclays Expects 25bp Rate Cut In Europe

  • Research indicated people would deposit their lump-sum rebate checks into savings.

    FORBES: Making Work Pay: The No-Impact Tax Rebate Program

  • ING, a Dutch financial-services group, began pushing a telephone-based savings account in May, offering higher interest rates than domestic deposit-takers.

    ECONOMIST: Canadian finance

  • Then set up an automated deposit to whisk that money away into your online savings account as soon as your paycheck comes in.

    FORBES: Summertime and the savings is easy

  • But if you have less than five years before your kid sits down to freshman composition, a risk-free certificate of deposit, money market fund or even a traditional savings account is a better bet.

    FORBES: Start Saving For College Now

  • Bankia also issued a statement saying deposit holders could be confident about the safety of their savings.

    CNN: Spain faces bank concerns after downgrade

  • This was particularly affecting potential buyers' decisions on whether to put down a deposit for a home, or knowing whether they had the savings to do so.

    BBC: Cyprus: Banking crisis stalls financial lives

  • Employers can easily help their employees save for a rainy day, leveraging the payroll system and direct deposit to automatically send a small percentage of their paychecks to a savings account.

    CNN: Commentary: Save more for yourself and America

  • Certificates of deposit (CDs) are an attractive option when trying to boost your savings yield because they pay more competitive rates than a saving account while still offering FDIC insurance protection.

    FORBES: CD Strategies: Minimizing Your Risks While Maximizing Your Returns

  • The answer we commonly hear is that without federally mandated deposit insurance, individuals would hide money under mattresses and banks would have no savings to lend.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • These cards require you to deposit an amount of money usually equal to the credit limit into a special savings account that the bank can collect any missed payments from.

    FORBES: 10 Steps to Repair, Rebuild, and Protect Your Credit

  • While the idea of "too big to fail" is fanciful, it seems the problem lies in deposit insurance that allows individual savers to be unconcerned with where they place their savings.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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