You don't have to be a molecular cuisine genius to savor the experience here.
Bonus: they are also super short, all the better to savor every delicious word.
But there's much to savor, not the least of which is the re-emergence of Mr. Bowie.
WSJ: David Bowie, Member of the Band | The Next Day | By Jim Fusilli
You have to praise and savor when a woman can earn it through merit.
It was his second Olympic victory, but Nomura had little chance to savor the moment.
In the meantime, you might want to savor the next birthday card you get in the mail.
The City of Roses saves its sweetest pleasures for those willing to slow down and savor them.
WSJ: Insider's Travel Guide to Portland, Oregon | Journal Concierge
For House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Georgia, and his loyal Republican army, it was a victory to savor.
The Knicks will have to savor this victory in Minnesota a little longer than they initially expected.
Before we move into 2011, let's take a moment to savor the style highs and lows of 2010.
The Jets' display of resilience and their good fortune allowed them to savor the victory despite Revis's injury.
WSJ: New York Jets Beat Miami Dolphins: One Last, Second Chance in Miami
My headlight is off, partly to save batteries, mostly to savor the surreal experience of climbing at night.
Rooms on the back of the hotel have the finest views and balconies from which to savor it.
FORBES: Hotel Gstaad Palace, Switzerland's Gloriously Old-World Resort
For instance, saver, savor, saber and savior might all sound pretty much alike when spoken from a podium twenty yards away.
"A universal computer would validate so much of what's been said about nanotech, " Lieber says, slowing down to savor the prospect.
After this, he won't be closing games for us anymore, so I'll savor it as much as I can.
If Silicon Valley helped you get rich and happy, do you go into your cave and savor your winnings?
FORBES: Silicon Valley Start-up Common: Where Tech Winners Give Back
He doesn't overdo the cutting on the dance routines but allows us to sit back and savor the dynamics.
In a more progressive society (and here is a further irony to savor), she would make a terrific judge.
And for all that was not-so-new, it was still a moment to savor.
She knew it would be short but she was so happy to savor that time with her family and friends.
She taught me so much about life, balance, how to be your own person, and how to savor the moment.
Or had he left the book here in order to savor the inscription, certain that Lera would never open it?
No, the reason I would sincerely urge fellow adventurers to visit Bangladesh is the opportunity to savor the glorious Chittagong Club.
Despite the uncertainties, Monday was a day to savor for the hundreds of mission engineers and scientists at Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
New York mixologist Dale DeGroff says U.S. drinkers of ten years ago did not savor the vegetal, earthy flavor of premium tequila.
For now though, Scott has time to savor his win at Augusta, while golf's regulators come up with a belly putter solution.
The game was designed to be something that each player would savor.
Although my dad passed several years ago, when I savor one of your delicious pork roll sandwiches, I feel him with me.
Ironic justice sort of loses its savor in light of actual fatalities.