He made slight adjustments to accommodate Lovano's 12-piece orchestra, adding flute and tenor sax parts.
The sax has helped at least one political candidate connect with the public.
Rollins began playing at an early age, learning both piano and alto sax before switching to tenor at 16.
If you have a session coming up and you want great alto and soprano sax work, Wilson is your man.
Whatever you think of the rubber-faced funnyman, hard-boiled sax-noodling anti-hero is unlikely to be the first image that comes to mind.
Dorner's mother, Nancy Dorner, expressed condolences for the victims in a statement given to Robin Sax at Fox 11 Los Angeles.
And I said, you know, it would be kind of cool if we put a harmonica solo on that track instead of the sax.
"Clinton playing the sax -- that's the gold standard, " said Thompson.
The score, by Howard Shore, features sax solos by Ornette Coleman.
The sax player, Jim Tomlinson, would later become her husband.
The sinuous Blackout melodist on the alto sax with pedals and the vocoder is Casey Benjamin, introduced in the ballad "Christina" and not to be missed.
In response to the BBC comment "the other musicians give beautifully-produced support" - well he must have a different sax player from when I saw him with?
The biggest issue for Adolph Sax right after he invented the horn was that his saxophone threatened to put out of business all sorts of other instrument makers.
Obviously, they're intelligent and skillful enough to realize that the continual state of dialogue between piano and sax is among the most salient features of the classic Brubeck quartet.
Today we audition a sax, a tuba, and a banjo, but sax and banjo keep hogging the stage and tuba covers her ears as soon as we start to play.
The music is a tribute to the pioneering 1970s fusion collective Weather Report, originally with Wayne Shorter on sax, Zawinul on keys, and later Jaco Pastorius on bass (among other personnel).
Adolph Sax, who lived in Belgium with his instrument-making family, made the first one in the 1800s, and it took a long time for the horn to get any respect at all.
Ranking with John Coltrane and Coleman Hawkins as one of the all-time great tenor sax players, jazz legend Sonny Rollins has been recording fiery, passionate and intelligent music for nearly 60 years.
He knew the names of all the Mexican fighters as if they lived here, as if they were Dodgers players, like Steve Sax or Steve Yeager, Dusty Baker, Kenny Landreaux or Mike Marshall, Pedro Guerrero.
Yet some of the book's pivotal figures, notably Klara Sax, an artist who turns disused bombers into a gigantic sculpture, do not excite enough interest to carry us through dozens of pages, let alone hundreds.
Dr Leonard Sax, the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Single Sex Public Education, even claims a neurological reason for his cause: girls and boys mature at different rates, so they need different teaching methods.
But Sax said that after he had seen a "60 Minutes" interview with the Marine squad leader who had led a deadly sweep through Haditha he was shocked and felt his battalion should have asked hard questions much earlier.
In 1992, when Bill Clinton wanted to send a personal message to voters and provide them with a sense that he was different than his competitor, he went on the late night show Arsenio Hall and played the sax.
The Mingus Big Band is a hot band at any time, and on this night, it added extra star power, featuring Ku-umba Frank Lacy on trombone and vocals, Randy Brecker on trumpet, Vincent Herring on sax, Dave Kikoski on piano and Jeff "Tain" Watts on drums.
There seems to be a grave worry here that 2.5 seconds of downtime between beach volleyball points would put 15, 000 people to sleep, so there's been a never-ending blast of music Miami Sound Machine, Maroon 5, Usher, Yakety Sax (better known as the theme to "The Benny Hill Show").
Either as a performer or as a punter, there is a uniqueness about the High street and The Pleasance which just seem rightly placed in this historic city for entertainment, not to mention all the other wee venues, where a stand up comic or a jazz sax player can play to one or twenty.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Tiaras and tantrums at Edinburgh Fringe
Hamer, who also helped write the script, brings a dozen characters to boisterous life, including a sax player with wandering eyes (Sydney Tafler), his super-slick brother (John Slater), who owns an amusement arcade and fixes local fights, an unholy trio of small-time thieves, an infuriatingly self-important fence, an intrepid police inspector, and an irrepressible reporter.