But already Russia's outlying areas are running themselves with less and less say-so from the centre.
Estonia is keen, but says it will not move without the European Commission's say-so.
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Mr Obama has been able to keep some of his campaign promises without Congressional say-so, simply by signing executive orders.
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They break into foreign markets with the state's help and its say-so.
Many board members were reportedly miffed that Erickson, anxious to avoid a death penalty, agreed to the tough punishments without their say-so.
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Often the provincial governor's say-so is needed to obtain land, employment licences and a stack of other bits of paper a firm needs to operate.
The try needed the say-so of the video referee and Contepomi -- like he had after his own try -- added the extras for 17-3.
They hope that means he will give a Russian say-so to the transportation of supplies for the 47, 000 NATO troops in Afghanistan across Russian territory.
The British government explains this by referring to the American constitution, which protects American citizens from being extradited on the mere say-so of a foreign government.
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It is unclear, for instance, whether both parents need accept the child as theirs, or whether paternity is documented merely on the say-so of the mother.
Ref Jones - on the say-so of his touch judge - ruled that Chris O'Young had put his foot out of play a split-second before Thom Evans squeezed in.
Paris Hilton can stop people from plastering her face on coffee mugs without her say-so--when it comes to porcelain imprints for commercial purposes, she does indeed own her own mug.
Of course there will be issues on which a president is free to act without Congress's say-so, and on which the country as a whole will rally to the president.
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When Fiat took control of the company in 2009, Mr. Marchionne not only retained Mr. Betts, but also gave him far-reaching authority over both Chrysler and Fiat, including final say-so on key product launches.
Such rival brands are emphasizing their quality to health seekers like Shirley Palmer, 66, a Los Angeles writer who pops ginkgo and ginseng and a handful of vitamins on the say-so of friends and news reports.
At the Belfast rally, organised by the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu), assistant general secretary Peter Bunting said Stormont must not "slavishly" cut back on the say-so of the government in London.
The Pashtuns subscribe to a tribal way of life in that the elders make decisions for the entire region and the elders have ultimate say-so as to what is supposed to happen and what is not supposed to happen.
NPR: Pakistan and Afghan Presidents meet to Discuss Security
Of course, exploiting a hole is also the only way to test that it has been fixed, so those outside the inner circle will be forced to rely on the software vendor's say-so when they get fixes and patches.
Such orders, involving a variety of restraints such as electronic tagging, bans on unauthorised visitors and electronic communications as well as strict curfews, can be imposed on the simple say-so of the home secretary for indefinitely renewable periods of 12 months.
What I will say -- so what I will say, though, is that during the trip I think it is important to underscore that several Asian nations have been very strong contributors in Afghanistan through security means, through civilian assistance, through financial assistance.
Mining companies say the so-called distortion is in fact a strength.
ECONOMIST: A government proposal exposes a rich seam of discord
Researchers at academic medical centers who study the disease say that so-called chronic Lyme, or post-Lyme, is very rare, hard to detect and not treatable with any further doses of antibiotics.
They say that so-called general permits can be issued.
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He was accused of making illegal campaign contributions with the hopes of maybe getting an expansion of the club's parking lot - so say the prosecutors.
Especially with the disruption of having a new North American CEO taking the reins, the loss of its Mobile Solutions chief Anssi Vanjoki, and the addition of Palm's Peter Skillman who'll have direct say over the oh-so-critical MeeGo user experience.
Ms. JAMES: But you couldn't say roll so rather than - they banned, they banned my record from the air.
So I say - I don't know, it's just really, really frustrating.