The Kelleys' lawyers say it isn't clear what authority, if any, the government used.
Privately, state officials say it isn't fair to judge the Christie administration based on the records of previous administrations.
Carriers discourage the practice, but say it isn't a serious threat to their pricing strategies because most fliers won't go to the trouble.
Details of the initiative, still in its early stages, are sketchy, and McKinsey offered no further information, except to say it isn't a companywide policy.
But U.S. law-enforcement officials say it isn't unusual for security agencies to withhold details of wiretaps or decline to tell foreign agencies how they came across information.
Skeptics say it isn't clear the required breakthroughs will occur.
Some were found within family clusters, though WHO experts say it isn't clear whether those cases were caused by a common exposure to poultry or due to limited person-to-person transmission.
Scientists say it isn't clear whether the drug will work for all groups at high risk of infection because the virus enters the body in different ways in each case.
Maruti executives, including Mr. Bhargava, say it isn't moving production away from Haryana and that the new project has more to do with the company's plans to expand its exports.
Experts say it isn't viable for drug companies that spend millions developing a new antibiotic medicine then to be told by regulators to hold it in reserve for the next emergency.
Some cases were found within family clusters, though WHO experts say it isn't clear whether those cases were caused by a common exposure to poultry or due to limited person-to-person transmission.
While the additional daylong holiday came during a month when manufacturing activity fell, economists say it isn't clear if the downturn was a result of having one fewer work day that June.
To be sure, U.S. law-enforcement officials say it isn't clear whether knowing the content of the text messages would have changed what the FBI learned in 2011 about Mr. Tsarnaev's turn toward radicalization.
Small-business experts say it isn't surprising that some business owners are thinking of splitting their firms or taking other steps to eschew the health-care overhaul due to the associated costs and regulatory burdens.
Needless to say, it isn't easier to promote Mr. Monroe on the global stage.
WSJ: Guns N' Roses Agrees: Finland's Metal Pioneer 'Michael Monroe' Rocks
Mr. JOHN GARVEY (Dean, Law School, Boston College): I've heard people say that it isn't really that central to what the Catholic Church is about.
Pension-fund investors embracing opportunity funds say they know it isn't a risk-free bet.
Suffice it to say that LG isn't happy with being labeled as a thief -- it notes that LG screens use white OLEDs instead of Samsung's RGB technique, reducing its incentive to swipe anything Samsung makes.
ENGADGET: Samsung asks for South Korean injunction against LG for allegedly stealing OLED tech
If it disrupts the flow of play then they can say technology isn't helping, but if it makes it better it should be introduced.
BBC: Ref trial extends to Champions League & 2012 qualifiers
Ms. KATIE COURIC (Anchor, CBS Evening News): Some say isn't it wonderful they care for something greater than themselves.
When it comes to hiring employees, some home-based entrepreneurs say there isn't enough space or that it feels too invasive to have staff in the house.
' But other people would say, 'Thank goodness it isn't a sequel.
Heavy guitars are clearly the album's signature, but that isn't to say it's a constant barrage.
Which isn't to say it didn't happen, as Conrad says he found out.
That's why I say my criteria is actually merit, it isn't social engineering.
On the supply side, those who work on the front line say the way it's currently organised isn't really working for anyone.
This is for the most part familiar stuff, which isn't to say that it is wrong or irrelevant.
That isn't to say that it wouldn't ease off, but would you want to be the player who goes first?
No knife I know could have chopped that finely, so suffice it to say I deeply hope Chez Georges isn't starting to take shortcuts, like ready-made restaurant-supply-company persillade, for example.