"That's history, I've got nothing to say about it, " said the world number five, who eagled the same hole in the second round.
One economist remarks that he talks about redistributing wealth, but has nothing to say about creating more of it.
There was nothing new to say about it in English, so I described it in French.
Soon there was nothing new to say about it in either language.
Whatever else one may say about ObamaCare, it has nothing directly to do with U.S. employment.
Whereas if they had been asked to choose at the offset, knowing nothing about it, they might say no.
While it is comfortable with wealth creation and the need for speculation in economic markets, it has nothing to say about financial instruments and models such as private equity, hedge funds or other forms of monetary capitalization.
"I know lots of other soldiers have nothing good to say about the rehabilitation process but I cannot fault it, " he said.
Stage two, we say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it.
But it has nothing to say, zero, nada, about whether the problem of out-of-control Internet overuse can be explained using a diagnosis of addiction.
Governor Romney had nothing to say about Afghanistan last week -- didn't mention it, didn't offer a plan in terms of how he might end the war or if he's not going to end it.
But say that widgets in general are dangerous, and widget-makers can do nothing about it.
In stage three, we say that maybe we should do something about it, but there's nothing we "can" do.
The committee also chided the office of the information commissioner for going beyond what it could say for sure when it told the Sunday Times that the act had been broken but that it could do nothing about it because six months had elapsed.