Take your eyes off what he's saying and doing, and put them on the people.
CNN: Commentary: For Clinton to win, she should focus on economy
Scott Young is saying and doing the right things and he has made some big decisions without respect for reputations.
However, once Romney had sewed up the nomination, supply-siders started projecting their hopes onto him, and ignoring what he was actually saying and doing.
The Internet and all things digital have amplified what consumers are saying and doing about the things that make them happy and the things that make them mad.
But his promotional drive (or naked craving for attention) has taken him to extremes that conventional wisdom warns against: saying and doing things that might hurt your bottom line.
But saying it and doing it, and doing it believably are three vastly different things.
Just saying no, and doing nothing in return, is a recipe for disaster.
And it's especially funny if someone else is doing the saying and showing, thus shifting responsibility.
It is thus interesting and important to pay attention to what Keizai Doyukai is doing and saying.
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Labour see the Lib Dems as the weak link in the coalition and they will be applying as much pressure as possible to Nick Clegg's party by suggesting that the 'new politics' of partnership should not mean saying one thing in opposition and doing another in government.
We go in cycles like this, and right now a lot of people are saying, oh, America is doing terribly and this and that, and what are we going to do.
Is it worth every European you speak to scratching his or her head and saying: why are we doing this?
Many of you are probably saying Apple and others appear to be doing well at the expense of RIM and Nokia.
But when it comes to the brand world, saying it, doing it, and doing it believably so customers are truly engaged are three entirely different things.
All we're doing is saying that restaurants and movie theaters can't use greater than 16-ounce cups.
That means a lot of data too on what people are doing, sharing, saying and where they go to.
All doing, acting and saying the same things.
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It is like the auditors for the supermarket chain, Tesco, doing the audits and saying, overall, the books are in order but they know there is shoplifting going on somewhere yet cannot say exactly where.
Sooner or later somebody, usually Charlie, gets around to saying or doing something embarrassingly pretentious, and all at once you remember the alchemic creativity with which the Odets of the 1930s turned working-class slang into poetry, and sigh at the thought of what the American stage lost when he turned his back on the world of "Golden Boy" and "Awake and Sing!"
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"Dozens of vehicles have been abandoned in the area, drivers just walking off and saying there's no chance of doing anything, " he said.
Of course, saying you are going to do something and actually doing it are two very different things and result in two very different outcomes.
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But saying you're going to do it, and doing it can sometimes be two different things.
In fact, there is a crescendo building in what CVX is saying about the Gulf of Mexico and what it is doing itself and with partners, both onshore and offshore.
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And his defenders found themselves awkwardly saying that he was doing nothing that his peers were not.
She quit her job at the spa and started doing facials in her home, saying she didn't want to work on men.
All of which is just excellent and what most economists have been saying everyone should be doing for the past decade or more.
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In a press release, the company also explicitly called out Facebook and rival social games company Zynga, saying it is doing better in average revenue per user.
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The government has come under pressure to increase spending on capital projects, such as roads and housing, with its critics saying it is not doing enough to help economic growth.
The real problem is every time we speak we are not just saying something with a particular form and meaning, we are also doing something with people.
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