The government now says it will do what it promised as soon as it can.
It says it will do its best to protect families with young children, or with elderly and disabled people.
The Quarry Battery Company says it will do everything to minimise the impact.
AltaVista says it will do a public offering later this year.
Nokia says it will not do this, and Niederman agrees that is not likely.
Theoretically, once the program is launched nationwide (which GM says it believes it will do) auto buyers won't have to visit dealerships anymore.
If the referee says to kick it out we will do that, and if he says play on then we'll play on.
Mr. Draghi says he will do whatever it takes to save the euro.
"It just takes the will to do it, " she says of eliminating hunger.
"They're still showing a bias toward tightening, though that doesn't mean they will actually do it, " says O'Sullivan, who believes the key rate will remain at 5.25% through the end of the year.
Prudential Securities says that's how it will now do business.
"We were not given sufficient confidence today that the arrangement for funding the fines from bonuses will do what it says on the tin, " he said.
If people and businesses are to be convinced to go out and spend more, they have to truly believe that the Bank will do what it says on its tin.
"I just think of everything I do and how happy it will make me to do it, " she says.
The force says by becoming the first to do so it will raise awareness of the problem.
BBC: Hate crime: Police record attacks on punks, emos and goths
"The general opinion in Germany is always that the government will do it for us, everything will be OK, " Chris says.
MacTaggart says the firm will only do a transaction if it can bring operational enhancement to the table.
For all our belief in humility, for all the veneration of the modest and supposedly modest, there is no visual in sports quite as satisfying as the called shot the athlete who says he or she will go out and do it, and then does it.
"Among issues that businesses are concerned about is what kind of work-force will they have, what will it do to education and will it alter the quality of life, " he says.
He says charging it for a couple of hours at a time will do enough to keep him moving.
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An historian in charge of the new institute, Maria Schmidt, who has the prime minister's ear, says it is too early to say exactly what research it will do.
The question is, what do his constituents think it says, and what will they answer?
Will it continue to do so if the research says Avastin and Lucentis are equally effective, or even pretty close?
For its part, Microsoft says it will develop software for the Mac only where it makes sense to do so.
The Obama Administration says the new health care reform law will do more, but it's mostly more of the same pay and chase.
"Once you let somebody start doing something like that, then everybody will want to do it, " Mr. Geiske says.
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"It will truly help revolutionize how we do research, " says Kurt Swogger, head of plastics research and development at Dow.
FORBES: Upstart Symyx is shaking up the stodgy chemicals industry.
The Aceh Party, representing the former separatists, is expected to do best, though not as well as it says it will.