"He's a man of the past, " says SBC Warburg associate director for political research Okazaki Shigenori.
That's less than what a customer typically pays GTE or SBC Communications from a wired phone.
If SBC wanted to buy a long-distance business or start its own, it could.
Second, SBC is an important part of our employees' compensation and impacts their performance.
Non-GAAP operating income and non-GAAP operating margin exclude the expenses related to stock-based compensation (SBC).
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) imposed the penalty on Scottish Borders Council (SBC) last month.
BBC: Scottish Borders Council appeals over dumped records fine
Among the most pessimistic is Simon Ogus, chief economist for SBC Warburg in Hong Kong.
He has gotten me hooked on the conflict in the SBC between Calvinists and anti-Calvinists.
SBC, which owns the land, set a closing date for offers on 12 November.
Fallen by the wayside are potential suitors Cablevision Systems and SBC Communications .
Non-GAAP net income and non-GAAP EPS exclude the expenses related to SBC and the related tax benefits.
ENGADGET: Google announces Q2 earnings: $9.02 billion in revenue, $2.51 billion in net income
SBC, long a laggard compared with its larger rival Verizon, has recently begun to outshine its competitor.
SBC's lawyers have succeeded in adding to the creeping sense of disillusion that now surrounds the legislation.
It appears to me that SBC is the denomination with the most at stake in this fight.
Down the road, "a merger is a possibility, " ventures Donald Hartman, an analyst for SBC Warburg in Bangkok.
It had been a member of the SBC since its inception in the 1940s as a white church.
WSJ: Naomi Schaefer Riley: Not Your Grandfather's Southern Baptist
We define non-GAAP operating income as operating income plus expenses related to SBC, and, as applicable, one-time events.
Officially, iAdvance is separate from SBC, although the group has acknowledged receiving funding from SBC and Bell Atlantic.
In addition to the Royal Ambassadors, the SBC also oversees the Challengers, a program for boys aged 12-17.
However, SBC said measures had been put in place to ensure there was no repeat of the incident.
BBC: Scottish Borders Council dumped data case goes to hearing
Subsequent searches turned up similar contracts at Honeywell, IBM, and SBC Communications.
Miller refuses to discuss whether all of iAdvance's funding comes from SBC and Bell Atlantic, the two biggest RBOCs.
He notes this is a totally different topic than SBC's DSL rollout plan.
SBC, which has integrated several large acquisitions successfully, might just pull this off.
Scottish Borders Council (SBC) advised drivers that "hazardous conditions" were likely to continue.
As if on cue, SBC's Whitacre yesterday provided concrete evidence that Seidenberg was not just talking through his hat.
SBC's Chief Executive Tracey Logan is the designated returning officer for the by-election.
Sainsbury's national development surveyor, Paul Miller, said the company was "naturally disappointed" by SBC's decision to refuse the planning application.
But SBC and iAdvance officials went to some lengths to explain that the market and lobbying positions were not contradictory.
In response to this deteriorating situation, SBC said it will lay off 11, 000 employees, representing about 6% of its workforce.