• The course was rewritten to assume little or no faith, and only scant knowledge of the Bible.

    ECONOMIST: The Church of England

  • Many of the people surveyed said they did not know much about contraception to begin with -- 63 percent said they knew little or nothing about birth control pills, and 30 percent said they had scant knowledge about condoms.

    CNN: Gaps found in young people's sex knowledge

  • Though hard knowledge of the risks is scant to nonexistent, guesses by the government's mad-cow experts suggest that the average Briton is 60 times more likely to die by lightning, 750 times more likely to drown in the bathtub, 24, 000 times more likely to die playing soccer.

    ECONOMIST: Tough on death, tough on the causes of death

  • All too often, senior bank managers have shown scant understanding of the sorts of risks their traders are running, let alone a knowledge of the bank's controls.

    ECONOMIST: Banking��s bad jokes

  • But the endowment also received scant interest for its real-estate holdings when it was marketing the funds, according to a person with knowledge of the bidding process.

    WSJ: New Jersey Fund Move Could Clarify Prices

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