Pfizer has been struggling to convince investors that it can withstand an unprecedented number of patent expirations despite a scant number of experimental drugs in clinical trials.
After all, in the spring of 1997, when Microsoft announced the acquisition, WebTV Networks was a two-year-old stripling of a startup with an oversized marketing budget, an aging demographic (25% over the age of 50) and a scant number of subscribers (less than 100, 000).
But at least your penny-and-a-half of profit on the sales dollar comes with a scant dose of capital.
Instead of a whole new world to explore, we got a series of linear quests, a few new items and a scant number of new enemies.
This week's strikes are probably a blip: multi-year pay deals have settled most of the tricky public-sector pay questions and there is scant sign of wage pressures in the private sector.
The case illustrates the difficulty of pinning a side effect to a particular drug based on the scant reports of side effects that come to the FDA. It is extremely difficult to link a side effect, like an inflamed pancreas, with a particular drug.
In all the buzz about Michael Ovitz's most recent downfall and the collapse of his once-grandiose scheme to reinvent Hollywood (again), there has been scant mention of Jeffrey Kwatinetz.
Usually the water problem is a natural one of scant rainfall or the absence of topographical means of collection and retention, such as mountains for snowpack or lakes and flowing rivers.
To make matters worse, the government also has scant hope of reviving another major source of revenue.
The course was rewritten to assume little or no faith, and only scant knowledge of the Bible.
And there is scant prospect of a hostile tender offer to rescue the shareholders of a mismanaged private REIT.
Yep, five bucks for a scant triangle of tomato sauce, crust and cheese.
Japanese investors have, after all, been selling all the way up and show scant sign of reversing this stance.
Aside from a few scant nuggets of information, it was one of the most boring conference experiences of my life.
In this period, President Obama needed to wrestle with far greater problems than gun control, and he made scant mention of it.
FORBES: Fear About Gun Legislation Pushed Firearm Sales To Record High Last Month
Even if talks do begin again, there is scant expectation of success.
The idea that four poorer countries with scant record of co-operation, even on simple things, can finance and build something so costly and complex seems a stretch.
ECONOMIST: Awkward tussles over nuclear power on Russia��s borders
All too often, senior bank managers have shown scant understanding of the sorts of risks their traders are running, let alone a knowledge of the bank's controls.
" But you'll find scant mention of this in their documents, and it appears that their internal budget allocations will treat the "helpers" more generously than the "disrupters.
There was scant disclosure of the delay until Forbes reported it last November, leading to a raft of criticism from experts about the way the study has been handled.
The latter displeased us a little with its scant array of available tweaks, which curiously enough doesn't even allow you to toggle the Arc's Macro mode on and off.
Mark Zuckerberg and the Home crew made scant mention of ads during their presentation but they will certainly make their way into the Home Feed just as they have into the News Feed.
FORBES: Some Quick Privacy Thoughts On Facebook's 'Not-A-Phone-But-More-Than-An-App' Home
While reliable data are scant, of the estimated 225, 000 reports each year of people collapsing of sudden cardiac arrest, some experts estimate AEDs are generally used to help fewer than 5% of victims.
In the current debates about "fairness" - that contemporary sop for the aspirations to what used to be called "equality" - there is scant acknowledgement of the paralysing impact of poverty on social mobility.
Any one with a mouse can see that the US pays a scant amount of taxes compared with the rest of the developed nations, while at the same time getting less bang for the buck.
FORBES: Top Reagan Advisor Calls Out The GOP For Lying About Taxes
But Obama made scant mention of efforts to strengthen the political opposition and glossed over the year-long effort to bring the regime and opposition to the table for peace talks that broke down months ago and now seem dead in the water.
As details of Sharp's death became public it emerged that 40 climbers had passed him, making no attempt to save the stricken climber as he lay stranded in the scant shelter of a rock alcove on the mountain's northeast ridge.
Yet, despite their higher returns, female-run hedge funds are a small minority of the industry, a scant 16% of Rothstein Kass's respondents.
Over three days of events, there is a scant three hours of discussion combined on technology, get-out-the-vote operations, and communicating with the media.