They worry that introducing top-up fees would scare off potential students from poor families.
ECONOMIST: The battle-lines over university fees have been drawn
Initially these parties were hush-hush affairs and heavy security was hired to scare off automotive spies.
The recent slowdown in the housing market shouldn't scare off investors in Home Depot .
One widely voiced fear is that the sight of troops could scare off tourists.
Third, shutting out Petrobras's outside shareholders might scare off foreign investors from Brazil in general.
With a possible recession looming, that hefty price could scare off companies cutting back on IT spending.
If the increase does scare off customers, 83-year-old Gloria Egger isn't likely to be one of them, she said.
Israel's central bank governor warned that the scandal might scare off foreign investors.
Such incubators typically take a large chunk of equity, which may scare off the entrepreneurs with the best ideas.
The South African government opposes such cases, fearing they may scare off investors.
The nests could be easily crushed by vehicles or beachgoers, and the noise they produced could scare off nesting females.
But it could also annoy and scare off legitimate shoppers who wish to examine a product before making a purchase.
FORBES: Best Buy's New Showrooming Defense Could Scare Off Legitimate Customers
Investigators work quietly so as not to scare off the intended merger partner, disrupt the negotiations or risk being sued for libel.
Swanay: His batting average for the season (.190) is still south of the Mendoza Line, which will scare off the casual observers.
FORBES: Fantasy Baseball: The Case Against Albert Pujols and Phil Hughes
The parent would inherit all the liabilities that might scare off investors.
Elsewhere the presence of non-Muslim minorities, as well as the desire not to scare off foreign investors or tourists has produced different language.
It is possible to govern from the left and not scare off world business--see South Africa, Brazil and Spain--if civil institutions are maintained.
Chicago's powerful Mayor Daley has thrown his support behind Mrs Moseley-Braun, thus helping to scare off challengers to her in the party's primary election.
In theory, Walrath's concerns should also apply to any online ad network--if a major player acquires it, that could scare off participation from its rivals.
When that was resolved, CBOE became a public company and free agent last summer, just in time for the financial slump to scare off suitors.
The Argentine government's recent decision to grab control of the country's largest oil firm, YPF, will scare off the foreign investment its shale industry needs.
ECONOMIST: The ��golden age of gas�� could be cleaner than greens think
They all placed two "guard dogs" to scare off the opposing strikers, but very few had the ability on the ball of Dunga and Mauro Silva.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: His main opponent, Felipe Calderon from the right, has tried to paint him as a demagogue who will scare off investment and ruing the economy.
Mr Wahid's supporters are also among the victims of Indonesia's battered economy, and they will continue to suffer if the violence and intrigue scare off foreign investors.
But if this becomes more of an issue it could scare off investors and make it harder for these companies to raise funds in U.S. capital markets.
White House aides privately hoped the new NATO assessment would call for so many troops to invade--perhaps up to 150, 000 in Kosovo alone--that it would scare off ground-war advocates.
They contend that, by widening the possibility of challenging a patent, the bill threatens to scare off not only basement tinkerers but the venture capitalists who stand behind them.
This would surely weaken the finances of Shinsei, which has been trying to introduce the alien concept of profit maximisation into Japanese banking, and could scare off other foreign investors.
The twelve-hundred-acre property is now a ghost town inhabited only by steel dummies meant to scare off the ubiquitous Canada geese that squirt a carpet of green across middle Jersey.
Lower growth than that would make the public debt harder to bear and scare off the foreign capital that India needs to fund its current-account deficit and pay for its imported energy.