They are not religiously bound--they are in it for the money--and they are scared to death.
"I was scared to death when a bright flash went off, " wrote one female user.
BBC: Russia meteor eyewitness: 'Something like the sun fell'
In my Oct. 5 column I quoted Cessna's CEO, Jack Pelton, as saying he's "scared to death" of Embraer.
But the truth is that I started it some years ago when I was scared to death to make sales and marketing calls.
This week we've got a college freshman who's scared to death about 8-hour flights between his hometown and his new school... without gadgets.
They are scared to death, because they know they are guilty.
Seventeen years later, I'll admit it: I was scared to death that Reid would somehow identify me in the WNYC lobby and scream, "It's him!"
"He was absolutely frightened to death, scared to death, " said Froch.
"The biggest concern: Most servicers are scared to death that they're going to get sued if they modify too many current loans, " said Larry Litton Jr.
And the black men who have done their job are scared to death about what the tendency for black men to leave relationships means for their daughters.
"She was scared to death, " says Ms. Brown.
WSJ: What's Plaguing Passover Feasts? Some Say Rituals Need Spicing Up
It was a partner in this Shallow Water Ultra Deep drilling program in the Gulf of Mexico until its CEO, Jim Flores, was scared to death by the BP Macondo disaster and its financial impact on BP.
FORBES: FT Front Page: Freeport To Buy McMoRan and Plains Exploration
With but few exceptions (the now retired Barney Frank as an example), Democratic office holders seem reluctant, if not positively scared to death, to even look at thinking about possibly supporting any of the long-standing liberal traditions and positions of my party.
FORBES: CNN Blows Huge Hole In GOP Efforts To Prosecute Benghazi Scandal
The difference between this rumored deal with Sprint and that of a normal MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) would be the possible integration of cellphones with VOIP service, something that the traditional phone companies are scared to death of, but integrates perfectly with the current VOIP ambitions of the cable companies.
ENGADGET: Sprint Nextel in talks over cable company partnerships
The near collapse of the global financial system scared everybody to death.
In 2001, she fled briefly to Austria after a particularly vivid death threat scared not her, but her editors at Novaya Gazeta, one of Russia's few remaining independent papers.