Scarlet fever, pneumonia and diphtheria all declined rapidly long before their cures were introduced.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Infectious Diseases and Standards of Living | Mind & Matter
Immediately afterward, he fell ill with a succession of infections, including scarlet fever and pneumonia, which kept him hospitalized for almost a year.
NEWYORKER: The Visionary
Ellen Fenton from Quarry Bank Mill said the letters "detail poetically" the Greg family's love for six-year-old Emily, who died of scarlet fever.
BBC: Portrait of Emily Gair Greg and her father's letter
The researchers accept other causes - such as scarlet fever or a chronic heart or kidney condition - may be possible, and acknowledge the limitations of their research.
BBC: Mozart 'killed by strep throat'
In his freshman year, he had an attack of scarlet fever, which set him back socially, and which also seems to have triggered a lifelong susceptibility to illness.
NEWYORKER: Getting Real
Andrew Grove, a man who survived the Nazis, the Communists, scarlet fever, prostate cancer and Bill Gates to run what was briefly one of the world's five most valuable companies, is saddled with a disease that will eventually rob him of control over his body.
FORBES: Andy Grove's Last Stand