While the hawk's aloft, the seagulls that come to scavenge are kept under proper control.
Children as young as 7 scavenge hours at a time for recyclable materials.
CNN: Saving children from Cambodia's trash heap
Justice was chopping the heads off goat carcasses just to try and scavenge a tiny little bit of meat to sell to passers-by.
BBC: Last Updated: Wednesday, 16 January 2008, 12:19 GMT
And yet, for all these miracles, a 75 year old woman still has to scavenge for scraps to put food on her table.
FORBES: Elderly Woman Shuts Down Armenian Internet
Last year Nokia, the world's largest handset-maker, raised eyebrows with research showing that this approach could scavenge nearly 100 times as much energy as Dr Smith's approach.
They scour and scavenge and send him their best finds.
NPR: 'FOUND' Takes Interest in the Ordinary
Despite being some 100 yards from a NATO power -- the doorstep of Europe -- and a developed economy, they scavenge for wood and burn plastic to keep warm.
CNN: Scavenging for food, Syrian children witness war
They will soon bioengineer bacteria to melt oil out of tar sands, turn grass into diesel fuel and scavenge natural resources of every kind out of low-grade, thinly dispersed deposits.
FORBES: Techno-Optimism
This new work is equally spectacular, and Weir continues to revel in the probability that his characters will stumble into the surreal, or scavenge beyond the frontiers of the civilized.
Knowing how 30, 000 genes working in 75 million brain cells create a rodent that can scavenge, hunt and hide from cats could be a big step to understanding our own brains.
FORBES: Billionaire Science Projects
They also scavenge (detoxify) peoxynitrites and reverse part of their damage including partially restoring function to receptors involved in short-term memory, mood, sleep, smell, social recognition, alertness, and brain growth, increasing the transport of glucose reducing delusions and wandering, improving neurotransmissions by decreasing the hyperphosphorylation and tau proteins, and inhibiting the influx of calcium which kills neurons.
FORBES: What Can You Do When Your Aging Parent Has Dementia?