The government wants to increase participation in education and training beyond the current school-leaving age of 16.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Record numbers stay in education
At the moment, English is officially taught for only one or two years before the school-leaving age of 16.
For the school-leaving exam, proficiency in at least two languages is required.
In the same interview Mr Denham declined to comment on suggestions the government could bring forward plans to raise the school-leaving age to 18.
But when it became known that questions in the Lithuanian-language paper for this year's school-leaving exam were on sale in advance, there was an outcry.
"Year on year we are receiving more applications and an increase in the number of applicants receiving higher grades in their school-leaving qualifications, " a spokeswoman says.
But the A-levels which used to provide that preparation have changed into a school-leaving qualification, and universities have had to nip and tuck what they teach accordingly.
Education is crucial: recent research shows that those who earn the basic school-leaving certificate are six times less likely to commit a crime than those who do not.
Considering the fact that many of inmates have never attended formal schooling, do not hold school-leaving certificates or have been low performers, the provision of such educational training and programmes in prison carries significant meaning.
Argentina has raised the school-leaving age.
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Widad, a 25-year-old secretary of Algerian origin, notes that when she was a schoolchild in Les Yvelines, in the Paris suburbs, four-fifths of her class were North African and only a handful went on to study for the baccalaureate, the school-leaving certificate that is the essential passport to a university or a reasonable job.
Although participation is increasing at secondary level, the report finds that only 54 percent of secondary school-age youth are enrolled, leaving an estimated 20 million "out-of-school" or still in primary classes.
He said a "whole range of pupils" enrolled on the course after leaving school - some with no qualifications and others with A-levels.
It would have to consider the future of GCSEs - no longer the "school leaving exam" for most students.
Girls' exam results have risen more sharply than boys', perhaps because more girls now expect to have a long-term career after leaving school.
One long-term effect of leaving school early is poor literacy: the Report estimates that almost 160 million adults in rich countries do not have the skills they need to apply for a job successfully.
Ivey ended up leaving the for-profit school after finding the online classes and instructors disappointing.
The jury heard that Ms Spence worked in a TSB call centre after leaving school and then worked with the Co-operative Bank before moving to HSBC.
BBC: Lynda Spence trial: Mother's tears for missing daughter
It asks schools to report the percentage of their graduates who have found full-time jobs within nine months of leaving school, and it asks about median starting salaries.
But migrants and Germans lead largely separate lives: when German children reach school age their parents flee (along with middle-class Turks), leaving poorer migrants alone together.
My grade school buddy Steven Lee -- kind, funny and generous -- was leaving his birthday party and was caught in the crossfire of two gangs.
In March, Kelly announced Gunner Kiel, one of the top-rated quarterbacks coming out of high school a year ago, was leaving before even trying to challenge Golson for the starter's job during spring practice.
One 55-year-old engineer, who has been with the company since leaving school in 1969, said he was earmarked for a career change in July 2007.
Some job seekers base their job search practices on the old-school way of sending out a resume and waiting for a phone call, leaving them frustrated that they are not getting any responses.
Mrs King said she rejected a place at Sherwood Park after reading the latest Ofsted report, which highlighted attendance issues, concerns about below-average academic attainment, the news that the current head teacher was leaving, and the 1.1-mile walk to the school.
All too often, while we are all getting ready for school and work, the water supply to the bathroom suddenly disappears, leaving everyone in mid-wash or with a mouth full of toothpaste.
Yet the Copely-Fairlawn School District felt she was lying about being a resident, and hired a private eye to follow her, videotaping Williams-Bolar leaving her public housing home and dropping her children off at the suburban school.
Her mother doesn't drive, leaving Ms. Tello with the responsibility of taking her 10-year-old brother to school, doctors' visits and swimming lessons.
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Before leaving for law school in China I jumped in my little red truck, threw my newly bought old-time banjo in the back, and went on a road trip through Appalachia to learn some old-time American music.