Randy White is apprehensive yet he follows the school janitor to his creepy shack.
NPR: Excerpt: 'The Mysterious Secret of the Valuable Treasure'
Among 60-odd Pardhis squatting outside Ashti, only one has a formal job, as a school janitor.
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In one of them, Raffaele Costa, a former government minister, tells the story of a young school janitor who found the job too arduous after 11 months and had, by the age of 47, collected 247m lire in pension payments.
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After school the janitor who is Asian American pulls Randy White to the side.
NPR: Excerpt: 'The Mysterious Secret of the Valuable Treasure'
David Barclay, prosecuting, said the school's janitor discovered the fish were missing when the school reopened.
BBC: Goldfish
Davis worked as a janitor during high school to help pay the family's bills.
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He got the job and has since moved up to a nighttime janitor position, the lone man supervising school buildings in the evenings.
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When I was asked to get the janitor, I looked all over the school and reported back to the teacher that I could not find it.
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His mother is a custodian at a public elementary school in San Bernardino and his father works two jobs: a janitor by day and a truck driver for Costco from midnight to noon.
Chris, estranged from his family and his former self, works as a night janitor in a bank and falls into the clutches of a vicious high-school acquaintance (Matthew Goode) who has always envied him and now wants to use him to knock over the bank.
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