• Responsibilities for parental guidance in demonstrating the importance of loving relationships and marriage are becoming supplanted by school sex education programs that emphasize instruction on condoms, birth control and abortions.

    FORBES: Why Gun Regulation Is Uncivilized

  • The FPA says research shows young people who receive a comprehensive sex education at school are less likely to have under age sex and more likely to use contraception.

    BBC: Fury at teenage abortion advice

  • Some 76% of those questioned felt that abortion should be discussed as part of sex education at school and 73% said they wanted greater access to information on issues like sex, pregnancy, contraception and abortion.

    BBC: Fury at teenage abortion advice

  • The survey calls for more sex education for adults, given that about one in five participants said they had never had sex education in school.

    CNN: Gaps found in young people's sex knowledge

  • They received little sex and relationships education at school but grew up in an increasingly sexualised society.


  • In its 2011 School Climate report, the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network found that same-sex couples were frequently not allowed to attend school dances together or were penalized for doing so, such as being ineligible for "couple discounts" on tickets.

    CNN: The damaging messages of proms

  • Most states leave the scope of sex education up to the local school boards.

    NPR: Teen Sex, Sex Education And Sarah Palin

  • Sex education also needs to be an integrated part of the national curriculum in every school not just an optional extra for interested schools.

    BBC: Your comments

  • The Sex Education Forum (SEF) says that the plans leave a gap in teaching about reproduction in primary school.

    BBC: Curriculum plan 'waters down sex education' experts warn

  • Mr Albert also stresses that the reasons why teenagers get pregnant and carry a baby to term are much more complicated than the content of sex education lessons - and notes that many young people take no notice of what they are taught at school.

    BBC: NEWS | Americas | Chastity pressed on US teens

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