The current testing and accountability regime does nothing to make schooling and education more self-driven or creative.
Bringing boys and girls together, organizing schooling and health education, providing the tools and the incentive to fight against poverty and disease -- that is the legacy we want to leave.
Ta-Nehisi Coates has a good post up on reading-for-pleasure vs. forced-reading in the context of schooling and public education.
Whenever you hear a snotty European presenting his stereotypes about Americans, he will often describe them as "unintellectual, " "uneducated, " and "poor in math, " because, unlike European schooling, American education is not based on equation drills and memorization.
"I've been talking about the new Silk Road for years, " says Chu, whose clipped English accent is the legacy of British schooling in colonial Hong Kong and a university education in London.
Both political parties are guilty of politically correct attitudes toward home ownership and education, so taxpayers enjoy all manner of deductions when it comes to schooling and interest paid on home mortgages.
Today there is new hope for the three million girls denied their right to schooling and a new chance to ensure the right to education for all.
This includes having an opportunity to interact with other kids in the general education environment and have the least restrictive schooling that also addresses their unique needs.
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Researchers at the Centre for the Economics of Education have used data on earnings, social class and education to distinguish the effects of private schooling from other advantages that students at such schools may enjoy (such as having richer, better-educated parents).
Well, if so, then you must keep your brother by providing him with a guaranteed retirement (Social Security), an endless supply of medical care (Medicare, Medicaid, S-CHIP), a roof over his head (public housing), and an education for his kids (public schooling).
And college completion rates are dropping in the US, driven largely by lower quality education in general and the astronomical cost of schooling.
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"High school did not become de rigueur until about 30 years ago, " notes Patricia Albjerg Graham, education historian at Harvard University and author of Schooling America: How The Public Schools Meet The Nation's Changing Needs (Oxford University Press, 2005).
And those years of schooling are not full years: local education officials report that in urban areas in the south an average teacher spends only 110 of the notional 200 days of the academic year actually in the classroom.
"The results here suggest that as a result of attaining more education, parents with higher levels of schooling provide a better childhood experience and home environment and consequently their children do better in school, " said Prof Gregg.
BBC: Raising leaving age in 1970s 'improved children's GCSEs'
Yet in spite of this impressive record, 9% of students are unable to complete their schooling and as such, as of 2004, about 220.000 young people had basic education while 0, 6% adults were totally illiterate, and between 6, 5% and 11, 2% (or four million) were functionally illiterate.
One third of Commonwealth countries have yet to achieve universal primary education and gender parity, and 27 million Commonwealth children do not currently receive schooling.
The performance gap between youth with the least and most parental education in the United States was the equivalent of 15 years of additional schooling.
You can still have 100% public education without 100% public schooling, just like you can have Medicare for all Americans and still not have socialized medicine.
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While public K-12 schools are free and parents sometimes have a choice of where to send their child (including home schooling), education is one product families are required to consume.
However, it is also true, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, that test score gaps between 12th-grade blacks and whites with highly educated parents -- parents with 16 or more years of schooling -- are greater than test score gaps between 12th-grade blacks and whites whose parents have less education.
Schooling should certainly not be about deciding who is worthy of a good education at the age of 11, and sending all the failures to the educational scrap heap.
And yet, these same people are terrified of the government paying for education but not actively providing the schooling.
FORBES: The Difference Between School Choice and Healthcare Vouchers