Only this time, the high-profile international source will be impossible for the entrenched scientific establishment to casually dismiss.
The year is 1764, and the women must experiment in secret if they are not to be dismissed by the scientific establishment.
The notion that the scientific establishment has suppressed evidence to the contrary has provided plenty of non-expert politicians with an excuse not to spend money reducing carbon.
The reason that the diet has been the target of consistent abuse from the scientific establishment is that its rules contradict the central pillars of received nutritional wisdom.
This exodus is often explained as women not having the motivation or perseverance to work in a male-dominated scientific establishment, but Drs Wenneras and Wold reckon that their results could account entirely for the large numbers of women who have left biomedical research in Sweden.
This period of conflict may last for decades, particularly if the new paradigm comes, not from some of the existing leaders of the current scientific establishment but rather from some unexpected and peripheral source, e.g. the dramatically different theory of genetics coming from Gregor Mendel in Moravia or a revolutionary theory of stomach ulcers from Barry Marshall in Perth, Australia.
The UN Secretary-General has entrusted UNESCO with the establishment of a Scientific Advisory Council, in consultation with the wider UN system.
During three days, thirty participants from ten countries attended to coordinate and guide the establishment of the Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group, which will distribute it's recommendations through a meeting report to be published in March 2010.
With no scientific training, they took on the medical establishment and set about finding a cure.
They called for the establishment of independent expert committees to investigate claims of scientific misconduct.
Adams also urged the United States to take a lead in the development of the arts and sciences through the establishment of a national university, the financing of scientific expeditions, and the erection of an observatory.
The UNESCO Ethics of Science and Technology Programme, organizer of the conference, was created in 1998 with the establishment of the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) to generate ethical reflection on science and technology and its applications.
Dr. Billal has pioneered establishment of a number of institutions including the ISESCO Center for Promotion of Scientific Research (ICPSR), Islamic Citation Centre (ISC), Islamic Body on Ethics of Science and Technology (IBEST), Islamic Network of Women Scientists (INWS) and launched a number of projects and strategies of prime importance for the promotion of science and technology in the Islamic World.