The scientific method was blossoming in the Venetian state, of which Padua was a part.
According to the Scientific Method, when real-world facts contradict a postulated hypothesis, the hypothesis fails.
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The Scientific Method requires testing a proposed scientific hypothesis before accepting it as the truth.
The Heartland Institute and Ken Cuccinelli care about advancing a political agenda, not the scientific method.
Because at the root of this problem is the question of the scientific method itself.
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The point I want to make is that the discovery itself was scientific method.
Using favorite colors or cool nicknames to choose winners provides as good a chance as any scientific method.
The curious hosts mix scientific method with plain old-fashioned ingenuity to separate fact from fiction among many popular beliefs.
Observations, especially observations gathered through controlled study through the scientific method, are data.
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Rather, what distinguishes science from conjecture is the scientific method that accompanies it.
At Berkeley on a scholarship, Quinones-Hinojosa developed a passion for the scientific method.
These people could well be right but what they refuse to recognize is that the scientific method matters.
Islamic students and scholars, fueled by coffee, revived Greek philosophy and laid the groundwork for the scientific method and modern mathematics.
His scientific method was to gather huge amounts of data, with exuberant curiosity, in order to let some discovery surprise him.
Both the Nyaya and Vaisheshika schools of Hindu philosophy had a great deal of reverence for inference and a proto-scientific method.
So Frakt has been applying the scientific method to health care.
There is no such thing as testing the climate change hypothesis under repeatable conditions and getting repeatable results, yet the scientific method demands this.
To create breakthrough innovation in cooking is not by the classic scientific method of carefully-planned-in-advance-and-in-detail research, or teleological, activities, but through trial and error.
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The detached honesty that is the cornerstone of the scientific method?
Academic philosophers use scientific method and mathematics to do their philosophy.
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This leads us back to the Scientific Method versus climate deniers.
FORBES: Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany
The essence of the scientific method is reproducing precisely the methods and patient cohort of the original study, something most of us learn in 9th grade science.
This is the peer review and response part of scientific method that Taylor is referring to, and Mann did what any good scientist would do: he re-examined his numbers.
"I'm not aware of any test for that drug that has been evaluated by the traditional scientific method, " says Charles Yesalis, a professor of epidemiology at Pennsylvania State University.
The Scientific Method struck a valiant blow against climate denialism in Germany this week, as scientists from around the globe gathered to sort out climate change facts from fiction.
FORBES: Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany
Under the Scientific Method, when a scientist proposes a scientific theory, she or he vigorously attempts to prove the theory wrong and then encourages others to do the same.
FORBES: Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany
Such statements are an affront to most Americans' intelligence which commonsensically applies a prosaic form of the scientific method: They look for the explanation that best fits the facts.
It begins in the primary and secondary grades, where the acumen for and interest in the scientific method and mathematical skills are most easily developed in our young boys and girls.
The Scientific Method demands a constant testing of theories.
FORBES: Anti-Science Climate Deniers On The Retreat In Germany