• "It's a first-warning system that we have for danger, " says Pamela Dalton, faculty member at Monell Chemical Senses Center, a scientific-research institution.

    WSJ: How to Sharpen Your Sense of Smell

  • Today Alemseged is the director of anthropology at the California Academy of Sciences, a multifaceted scientific institution and museum where he combines his scientific research with his passion for public education.

    CNN: How Ethiopian scientist unearthed 'world's oldest child'

  • In 1846, the Smithsonian Institution was established in Washington as a center for scientific research from funds left at the bequest of British scientist James Smithson.

    CNN: Sunday,

  • Late last week, the FDA approved a new med called Eylea, which is made by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals ( see this), an upstart with board members that include such heavy hitters as former Merck ceo Roy Vagelos and, as of this morning, Marc Tessier-Lavigne, a former executive vp and chief scientific officer at Genentech, who is currently president of Rockefeller University, the medical research institution ( read here).

    FORBES: The Eyes Have It: Can Regeneron Make Roche Blink?

  • It also focuses on developing centres of excellence of specialised postgraduate studies and advanced research by agreement between the parties, with international support and hopes to foster scientific advancement through research in relevant disciplines, and to increase the availability of outstanding specialists within the participating institution.

    UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair/UNITWIN Network

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