Mr. Di Rupo, appearing in parliament Thursday to defend the austerity proposals, lightly scolded the unions.
Maybe that was why she always scolded me for every little mistake I made.
Benny Avni scolded the dog, which became fiercer and looked nearly ready to pounce.
Sometimes I get scolded by my team. (Laughter.) Time for one more.
The judge scolded the police for even asking, given that they had no evidence of guilt.
In 1988 the Supreme Court scolded the FCC for its vague definition of indecency and advised restraint.
Men and women alike would far rather be scolded by a male boss than a female one.
She also happens to be the daughter who scolded me for my sloppy appearance all those years ago.
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They look like scolded schoolchildren, their expressions doleful as they silently watch Powers search the compartments of the boat.
Fans who flouted the rule were scolded by security or told to scram.
She scolded one young activist for heading into the streets without a jacket.
Those shift points are not about being scolded, guilted or berated into thinking differently about how the world operates.
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Jeff Bewkes, the head of Time Warner, has scolded CNN for its performance.
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The alleged victim didn't perform her duties and was "scolded" a number of times, Mr. Yoon told the news conference.
How often have I scolded her or given her unsolicited pushy advice, annoyed that she acted the way she did?
She scolded her niece for using her phone to write about family issues on Twitter, according to the three sources.
Barack Obama, scolded by many in Congress for getting involved in the first place, is hiding in NATO's back seat.
Indeed, Ms Rice has scolded Arab leaders for using the issue as a shield behind which to hide their own defects.
Raw sewage trickled from a broken pipe down the street, and the 37-year-old insurance agent scolded his two sons for playing nearby.
It was the only champagne, Fermor scolded, never sold in half bottles.
Until around the Fourteenth Century the Church scolded people who believed in witches and rejected the whole idea as a silly peasant superstition.
Mr Bush scolded Israel after Tuesday's retaliatory attack on Hamas, saying that it undermined efforts by the Palestinian Authority to end terrorist attacks.
We Americans are too often badgered, scolded, lectured at and over-protected.
The ex-central banker also was scolded by another commissioner, Brooksley Born.
Others have been more directly scolded in his past public lives.
Judge Koh has scolded both company's lawyers over the course of the lawsuit for the numerous pieces of evidence and minute details involved in their arguments.
Like many Chinese students in the U.S., Ms. Lu disliked writing essays and got flustered after being scolded by a professor for reasons she didn't understand.
Using sensor information, it will spring to life at the sight of its master and express the anticipated emotion -- lapping up affection and retreating when scolded.
We were promised an improvement in job growth prospects, reductions in costs, no taxes on the middle class, and even scolded that we could keep our trusted doctors.
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The navy recently scolded some aboard the Charles de Gaulle aircraft-carrier, which is on duty off Libya, for posting comments on the carrier's blog that were sapping morale.