"Julian Assange certainly took a pretty scorched earth view initially, " says Ian Katz, deputy editor of the Guardian.
In April, Otellini set in motion the most extensive restructuring in two decades for Intel (See "Scorched Earth").
Unfortunately, copyright holders have proven willing if not eager to purse a scorched earth strategy to make its point when granted additional enforcement rights.
FORBES: A Timely Reminder that MPAA and RIAA Shouldn't Be Trusted with Too Much Enforcement Power
Piles of burnt rubble and scorched earth were clearly visible.
But Communities and Local Government Minister Grant Shapps rejected the opposition's charges and accused Labour of leaving the coalition a "toxic legacy of debt" under their "scorched earth policy".
The war, said Asem, resulted in "a lot of aggression against the environment" -- most infamously, the destruction of Kuwait's oil fields as part of Hussein's "scorched earth" policy on retreat.
Yet USC sunk deeper and deeper into the quicksand of its own arrogance, until it realized that all it had accomplished had only come about because of broken rules and scorched earth.
FORBES: USC's Fall From College Sports Elite A Cautionary Tale
Scorched earth equals stranded energy.
FORBES: Why Oil Markets Are Watching The Wrong Middle East Crisis
Ohio is another key state where the facts contradict Romney's scorched-earth message.
Because you guys didn't go scorched-earth with Microsoft and with the Xbox, so there is less incentive for people to upgrade in some respects.
By battling every case in a scorched-earth strategy, Merck hopes that it can win a long endurance game and keep its damages to a minimum.
Munos' scorched-earth scheme is radical, but he's fast gaining followers among a generation of entrepreneurial bioscientists fed up with the way the corporate world makes drugs.
If the Fox News poll of likely voters in swing states is accurate, the Republicans are in trouble, and the scorched-earth campaign tactics of the candidates and their super packs are likely major contributors.
Greg Smith, the disillusioned Goldman Sachs employee who left the firm in March with a scorched-earth op-ed in The New York Times, is back in the news as his tell-all book hit shelves last week.
FORBES: Is There a Future for the Brand Who Bashes? (Or, What's Next for Greg Smith?)
Chevron managed to get this case removed to Ecuador on foreign non conveniens grounds, ending what might have appeared to be a slam-dunk settlement, and since then has fought a scorched-earth battle to prevent any judgment there from being enforced outside Ecuador.
The vast areas involved -- and some of the most inhospitable and scorched terrain on Earth -- make outside intervention risky.