Another of the dozen incarnations of Macbeth on the Edinburgh Fringe was a version in the Scots language.
He said doing a Scots language translation had given it an interesting twist.
The Ulster-Scots Agency is a cross-border government agency set up under the Good Friday Agreement to promote the Ulster-Scots language and culture.
It is hoped local students will take up undergraduate courses in the Ulster-Scots language, history and culture, as well as attracting postgraduate research and PhD's.
Edith Peers, who plays Gruoch, the Lady Macbeth character in the Scots language version, said her character's manipulation of her husband was something which attracted audiences.
Speaking on Wednesday, he said that "the establishment of an Institute of Ulster-Scots Studies offered a unique opportunity to promote the understanding of Ulster-Scots' language, history and culture, not only within the context of Northern Ireland but beyond".
Currently 1% of young Scots are learning the Celtic language of their country, compared to 7% in Ireland and 21% in Wales.
There are also other languages around: Manx, on the Isle of Man, a form of Norse (not spoken natively any more), Lallans, or Lowland Scots many argue is a separate language rather than the creole others argue it is.
Scots Gaelic, really only still spoken as a native language in a few of the Western Islands.
The Scots, fumes Charles Jones, a professor of English language at Edinburgh University, have been speaking English for just as long as those south of the border.
Academics are divided about the status of language which is based on English with influences from Irish, Scots Gaelic and Lowland Scots.
The English, Scots, Welsh, Australians, Americans, Irish and South Africans all have their own distinct cultures despite sharing a language.