He said he believed the move could benefit both the town and the Scottish Borders.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Tyne/Wear | Scots bid to win back border town
Scottish Borders Council agreed to go ahead with the overhaul of its winter gritting plans.
Digital UK's focus moves next to the Scottish Borders, which is due to switch during 2008.
Scottish Borders Council's education committee passed its new guidelines on religious observance earlier this week.
The findings of the report are set to be presented to Scottish Borders Council's licensing board.
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) imposed the penalty on Scottish Borders Council (SBC) last month.
BBC: Scottish Borders Council appeals over dumped records fine
Scottish Borders Council advised drivers of hazardous conditions in light of the weather forecast.
Scottish Borders Councils said all school transport across the region had also been cancelled.
The country's two other cases are a short distance away in the Scottish Borders.
Detailed plans have been unveiled for a 172-home development near a caravan park in the Scottish Borders.
Until 2009, Border TV broadcast a local service for Cumbria, Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders.
Scottish Borders showed the largest percentage fall in the number of sales with a drop of 21.2%.
William McNicol Beaugie (Dumfries)- For services to multiple sclerosis sufferers and their carers in the Scottish Borders.
Scottish Borders Council has rejected a bid to expand a Sainsbury's store being built in the region.
Scottish Borders Chamber of Commerce convener James Aitken is urging the creation of a Borders business forum.
Sepa said the the Scottish Borders and Dumfries and Galloway were particularly at risk of localised flooding.
East Lothian, Eilean Siar, Inverclyde, Orkney, Moray and the Scottish Borders also gave their headteachers less independence.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Heads could be given more powers
The fashion brand recently bought a cashmere mill in the Scottish Borders after its owner went into administration.
The A708 is a direct link route between the regions of Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders.
Plans for a wind farm development at Barrel Law, in the Scottish Borders, have been rejected by councillors.
BBC: Barrel Law wind farm proposal rejected amid radar fears
You will be disappointed if you book a trip to the Scottish borders if your relatives were from the Outer Hebrides.
Now a full application for both the housing and holiday park overhaul has been submitted to Scottish Borders Council.
David Paterson, independent Scottish Borders councillor for Hawick and Hermitage, said he was "horrified" to hear about the proposal.
BBC: Booze cruise across the border: Should England cash in?
Scottish Borders Council's executive member for community safety Donald Moffat condemned the vandalism.
All of those involved are from the G division covering the Scottish Borders.
BBC: Lothian and Borders Police in racist and sexist email probe
Scottish Borders Council was given the penalty in September after the data was found in a paper recycling bank.
BBC: Scottish Borders Council dumped data case goes to hearing
Scottish Borders Council (SBC) advised drivers that "hazardous conditions" were likely to continue.
But their father's estate in the bleak Scottish borders was ridden with debt.
ECONOMIST: Retracing the steps of one 18th-century Scottish family
Efforts are also continuing to establish how the virus spread to two properties near Jedburgh in the Scottish Borders.
Members include Aberdeenshire Council leader Anne Robertson, Scottish Borders Council education chief Glenn Rodger and Angus head teacher Peter Ferguson.