Magazine publishers see the device as crucial to their future as they scour for new ways to make money, with print advertising still under threat.
WSJ: Advertisers Gather Around as Publishers Tout Bells and Whistles of Apple's iPad
That should satisfy the record companies, whose lawyers have been busy beating up on companies like Napster and Scour for helping spread copyrighted MP3 files far and wide.
Durkin said there are several steps the defense can take: Hire top-notch investigators, look for possible psychiatric issues or brain damage and scour for potential vulnerabilities in how the government collected evidence.
Cybercriminals and security researchers have used search engines, including Google, for years to scour the Web for instances of outdated code open to intrusions.
His former chief aide, Tom Freedman, just joined the White House Domestic Policy Council to do for it what he did for Morris: scour the country for promising ideas to turn into federal initiatives.
The major search engines now use shopping "bots" (for robot) to scour the Web for the best deal.
Entrepreneurs were queuing up to scour rubbish for anything that could be recycled.
Instead, we would have to scour proxies for the same types of information.
FORBES: Asking Job Applicants for Facebook Passwords Does Not Go Far Enough
Since the Cage auction, collectors, under a cloud since 1994, when a bubble in "brand-new collectible" comics collapsed, have been rushing home to scour attics for treasures.
Even if, unlikely as it seems at present, Mr Hussein agrees to give carte blanche to Unmovic to scour Iraq for evidence of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, that may not be enough to convince everyone that the country is no longer a threat.
It makes perfect sense for companies to do the reverse: scour the world for markets that will pay high prices for their shares, thus reducing the cost of their capital.
Now Berwick's 80 employees scour the world for simple, proven remedies for medicine's reliability woes.
Or scour the planet for new sources using scanners thousands of miles in space.
All this is going on as NYSE and Nasdaq scour the globe for new acquisitions.
New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has said investigators would scour the space for possible human remains.
Tree-sellers scour distant mountainsides for older trees (though when uprooted and moved to cities many do not survive).
Its trick is to form partnerships with foreign universities and to scour the world for products that it can license.
How can two guys and a handful of analysts sitting in Bermuda hope to scour the world for the best investments?
Owners of botnets also scour infected machines for information that can be sold on the underground auction sites and markets found online.
Ethan Lee, 4 years old, climbed on his grandmother Georgia Chavis's shoulders so he could scour the crowd for his father, Spc.
Clubs that once recruited fans and players from their immediate neighbourhoods now scour the continent for talent and are watched in every country.
Since emerging markets would be least exposed to deflationary pressures, Credit Suisse recommends investors in stocks scour the world for companies that have the greatest exposure to these markets.
As Arabs scour the horizon for templates, some look to Turkey, where a moderate Islamist party has been elected three times in a decade and presided over an economic renaissance.
His method is to scour the market for a hot stock, then dig into its financials and interview outside experts in the target's field, trying to see if its business plan and products hold up.
To address the big data issue, governments must continue to develop and enhance their complex analytical targeting systems to scour the data for the proverbial needle in a haystack that would flag a suspicious shipment.
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Dr Keasling and his colleagues scour the world for suitable enzymes, tweak them to make them work better, then sew the genes for the tweaked enzymes into a bacterium that thus turns out the desired product.
Customers come to look for advertised items and then scour the store or the mall for additional bargains.
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It employs swarms of contract recruiters to scour top engineering schools for fresh-faced newbies and raid competitors for hoary veterans.
It's that time of year again when journalists scour the crime figures for England and Wales for reasons to send us whimpering to the locksmith.
Graph Search, a new advanced search feature that lets you scour your extended network for people based on their likes or profiles, is still in its beta stages and cannot be accessed through mobile apps.
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