The pro-whaling screed was approved by a much thinner margin: 33 votes to 32.
This screed against the 410(k) mentality, however, is not a call for expansion of government programs.
FORBES: 401(k) World: A Deeper Look into Tom Friedman's Nightmare
Germany awoke to such problems a decade or more before Mr Sarrazin's screed appeared.
Case in point is yet another screed by Follath published in Der Spiegel in June.
Comics legend Frank Miller made waves the other day when he unleashed this screed against Occupy Wall Street.
FORBES: Occupy Wall Street, Frank Miller, And Why Athens Is Better Than Sparta
In his latest screed, he compared Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to someone in the throes of an LSD trip.
And contrary to Damon and company's screed, it's not all about the money.
The miserable little screed is out of print, but you can buy used copies on Amazon starting at one penny.
In Digital Vertigo, Keen has dialed back the apocalyptic rhetoric a bit from that previous screed, but only just a bit.
FORBES: Moderation in an Age of Information Abundance & Hypervisibility
The statement was an argumentative screed that laid out three philosophical planks as in a closing argument of a trial lawyer.
ENGADGET: Editorial: A conciliatory Apple would be real innovation
But this is no partisan screed, any more than a Brady photo of bodies on the Antietam battlefield was pro-Union or pro-Confederacy.
FORBES: An Economic Mathew Brady Depicts A Sharp Restructuring Of Income In America
His latest anti-vax screed is an attack on Gardasil, the HPV vaccine.
By the way, this book was repudiated by its author, and is an unbalanced screed on American and European transgressions over centuries.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama goes south: An analysis of the Summit of the Americas
This is neither a liberal nor conservative screed on my part.
So the moment I finish a long screed lambasting the entertainment industry for censorship I hear the news: there is a Casey Anthony video on the internet!
FORBES: Sometimes People Should Censor Themselves Online - Yes Casey Anthony, I'm Talking to You
While Goldman worked to counter Mr. Smith's screed, some executives and other employees said that his words felt like an extreme version of their own concerns about the company.
Cord Jefferson surprised me by writing an anti-soap screed, since he recently wrote an evidence-based explanation of why you should wash your hands every time you use the bathroom.
FORBES: Science and Skepticism: The Importance of Evidence-Based Health Tips
L. Al-Adawiya of a New York group calling itself Women in Islam Inc. called for signatures, due April 14, on the complaining screed to be presented to Commissioner Kelly next week.
In his latest screed, he professes joy over the newfound competitiveness and profitability of the two ex-chapter 11 companies, but bemoans the fact that their survival was achieved through government bailout.
FORBES: Muddled Mitt: Bad-Mouthing Auto Bailout Won't Fly In Michigan
His style of protection, however, is a bit more subtle than current Saint Laurent CEO Paul Deneve, who penned a heated screed damning Women's Wear Daily's negative review of Hedi Slimane's debut for the house.
All these are taken from the 143-page screed formally known as the "Amalagamation of draft texts in preparation of a comprehensive and balanced outcome to be presented to the Conference of the Parties for adoption at its 17th session".
In 1962, the Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini, whose first films were latter-day variants on neo-realism, took a flying leap into hectic modernity with this short, apocalyptic screed against the habits of professional filmmaking and the un-Christian coldness of contemporary Christendom.
As I noted in a post a few days ago, the company was recently the subject of a bearish screed on Seeking Alpha by investor Whitney Tilson, to which Netflix CEO Reed Hastings responded in a point-by-point rebuttal of his own.
FORBES: Bam! Pow! Barron's, The Journal Take Swings At Netflix