The "we", in my opinion, is best thought of as the scribbling class that includes Engel.
The visitors watched raptly, scribbling in white binders and drinking from bottles of Sparkletts water.
He was at this time scribbling short sentences and paragraphs on various subjects in his notebooks.
Oh hang on, that was him scribbling way back in December 2009, not here in August 2011.
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By this type of reckoning, the future monarch will be spending their entire day scribbling letters to centenarians.
Movie scriptwriters are also getting in the act, feverishly scribbling dramas based on the fighting for Bollywood producers.
Last week somebody defaced one of Ms. Ketcham's fliers, scratching out its message and scribbling NO on it in block letters.
Scribbling insults on a virtual cube may not sound like it but it is one of the very things that makes us human.
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To the delight of her new husband, Hyde-Lees felt her hand seized by a strange power, and found herself scribbling down ghostly transmissions from the other world.
My fellow visitors weren't as prepared, hastily purchasing a few postcards from our guide and scribbling a quick note to whoever's address they had memorised by heart.
His reputation among the scribbling classes suffered from his surly moods and stand-offish behavior long before the specter of steroids arrived to haunt the game.
The tablet-exclusive Scribble Selection Tool allows users to easily extract objects in an image by simply scribbling on what to keep and, then, what to remove.
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In the first week of the trial, Mr. Gupta sat seriously at the defense table, scribbling on a pad and smiling only occasionally at his lawyer.
Most hot-button Supreme Court cases have a "moment, " a comment or heated exchange that leaves onlookers with mouths agape and reporters scribbling furiously to mine the gold.
Looking over her shoulder and scribbling in a notebook is John Kenagy, a vascular surgeon by training who is now a visiting scholar at Harvard Business School.
At the White House, the speechwriting machine is especially well oiled with multiple writers churning out drafts, senior advisers scribbling comments, and fact checkers verifying every word.
Sure, there's a lot of dogged scribbling involved, but in the end, the scientist, like the poet or the painter, often spreads his wings, says a silent prayer, and ... jumps.
After nagging one of his fellow patrons to borrow a diamond-encrusted snuff box, the owner succumbed, but not before scribbling in its lid the Greek letters phi and rho, or "Fie, Rowe!"
Born in 1922, Kerouac began writing from an early age and took to carrying a notebook with him wherever he went, scribbling down notes and penning long, rambling letters to friends and family.
When I come up with an idea for a song, I browse through the folder to find something that suits the mood, and then I start scribbling furiously whilst listening to the music on repeat.
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And it does seem like the majority of those that did are scribbling somewhere for someone, given the number of pixels that have been used to explain why this is all a very bad idea indeed.
Sneden wrote the core of it during the war, sketching on scraps of paper and scribbling in the margins of a New Testament, then hiding his work in the soles of his shoes and the seams of his clothing.
This research also explains why so many major breakthroughs happen in the unlikeliest of places, whether it's Archimedes in the bathtub or the physicist Richard Feynman scribbling equations in a strip club, as he was known to do.
Early in his scribbling career, Croesus was fortunate to have been taken up by one esteemed Harvard Business School professor Georges Doriot, a wise Frenchman who taught a course on manufacturing, not financial engineering, and so influenced generations of Harvard M.