Making a bridge loan to itself buys a limited amount of time to scrounge up more capital.
Anyone who left to try to scrounge for roots in the woods was killed by the Powhatans.
CNN: Researchers: Jamestown settlers resorted to cannibalism
Lady still managed to scrounge a couple hours here and there to hang with her new main man, Jehovah.
One Laptop will scrounge for grants and other funding to help foreign governments buy and distribute the machines to kids.
One Laptop will scrounge for grants and other funding to help foreign governments buy and distribute the machines to children.
Many walk several kilometers from their homes in dusty villages each day to scrounge for firewood and to fetch water.
They claimed to be rebels but many suspected they were really soldiers, on the scrounge and trying to show they were still needed.
Prosecutors have yet to indict Madoff, postponing that deadline for a second time Wednesday, while they scrounge for assets to recover and return to investors.
Hard to believe how much more time-consuming it was lately to scrounge for grant money than when he had started his career a quarter-century earlier.
For inspiration, McCann staffers could scrounge up, for example, a link to a recent long-form video produced for Nissan last fall as a promotion for Leaf.
FORBES: Memo To McCann, Mahoney: Come Up With Better Volt Ads
"If you didn't have armor on a truck, you'd try to scrounge you up something to put in there, get some more metal between you and your outside, " Overcash says.
The country's roads and the capital's airport were so congested that the supply lines of goods into Haiti were clogged, leaving thousands of survivors to scrounge for food and emergency aid.
Not so for Tesla, which despite all that bickering up top has managed to scrounge together the funds to open up a shop in Chelsea in western Manhattan, a swanky area full of art galleries and the beret-clad people who frequent them.