The tide had completely gone out for about 100 meters or more and most parts of the sea-bed near the coast were visible.
Instead, Mr Zinni's mission was dominated by Israel's public-relations coup: its seizure off its Red Sea coast of a ship, the Karine-A, laden with 50 tonnes of arms.
Seavey's victory came after a dueling sprint against Aliy Zirkle, last year's runner-up, along the frozen, wind-whipped Bering Sea coast toward Nome.
The Hawaiian company Kona Blue raises a type of yellowtail from eggs to harvest in 3, 000 cubic-meter cages tethered to the sea floor, one-half mile off the coast of Kona.
Biden -- and for that matter Secretary Perry -- may be saying that they would support the deployment of a sea-based missile defense off the coast of North Korea provided the system so deployed was compliant with the ABM Treaty.
Do we try to build a 50-foot-high sea wall all around the eastern coast, including Tokyo Bay?
Numerous helicopter companies (most based in Lihu'e) offer up-in-the-air jaunts over waterfall-striped Mt Wai'ale'ale, the island's central shield volcano and one of the wettest spots on Earth, and the sheer-hewn sea cliffs of the Na Pali coast, accessible otherwise only by ocean kayak.
If fully realised, these additions could exceed the capacity of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium's first- and second-phase pipelines to the Russian Black Sea coast.
Mumbai, the fourth-largest city in the world, is home to 20 million people and fans out along the coast of the Arabian Sea as an ever-growing megalopolis.
Henry's sea-captains broke through and went much farther down the African coast.
The Saints will play the first, home leg at Newtown's Latham Park, with the return in Ventspils, a city in north-western Latvia on the coast of the Baltic Sea.
The 1, 800km (1, 100-mile) fence is set to run from the Red Sea coast in the west to the edge of Oman in the east.
Previously, National Geographic Traveler included a 300-mile (483km) sea kayaking expedition along Scotland's west coast as the only UK entry in its list of 50 Tours of a Lifetime.
Bellies full, we drove back down PR-184 following the falling sun toward the Caribbean Sea, cruising along the coast to reach Ponce, a colonial port town where long ago pirates raided Spanish ships coming into the harbour.
The northern Mecklenburg-Western Pomerian region, which sits along the coast of the Baltic Sea, was a part of former East Germany.
Sailing along the coast of Siberia by the north-east passage, or Northern Sea Route (NSR), as Russians and mariners call it, cuts the distance between western Europe and east Asia by roughly a third.
The first quarter of 2011 has seen piracy-at-sea hit an all time high with 142 attacks worldwide and 97 of the East coast of Somalia, up from 35 a year ago, a report by the IMB Piracy Reporting Center says.
The sighting of sperm whales off Scotland's north-west coast in winter has been described as "extraordinary" by research charity Sea Watch.
Iranian Lenj vessels are traditionally hand-built and are used by inhabitants of the northern coast of the Persian Gulf for sea journeys, trading, fishing and pearl diving.
It calls for substantially expanding the Navy's sea-based defenses to provide, among other things, protection of the U.S. East Coast and interior from attacks launched from and beyond the Atlantic.
The sub-sea cable would go from Lewis, cross the sea into Little Loch Broom on the west Highlands coast and land at Dundonnel, near Ullapool.
The Scarabeo-9 will be drilling in even deeper waters, and sea currents mean that any spill would threaten the Florida coast.
The coast east of Nice falls so steeply to the sea, that in a more peaceful or less sun-obsessed part of the world it would have been largely shunned by man.