This was quite easy, because the sand at the bottom of the hole was very soft and fine and dry, like sea-sand.
One of the worst hit areas has been Sandilands near Sutton-on-Sea where sand has also covered people's gardens.
As we head out over the desert the view is a spectacular shimmering sea of sand as far as the eye can see.
Morocco is trying to entice more western filmmakers to its fabulous landscapes of mountains, sea and sand, and it recently won the right to continue to subsidise its fledgling film industry in a trade deal with America.
ECONOMIST: Filming overseas: Relocation, relocation, relocation | The
In between came Camus's two best-known works, "The Stranger" (1942), in which the collaborating sun, sea and sand play a deadly role, and "The Plague" (1947), a loose allegory of occupation (by rats) set in Oran, Algeria's second city.
Coastal ponds are usually separated from the sea by a sand dune a few metres high.
The safari, included with the room rate, started as a caravan of Land Rovers carrying about 15 hotel guests into the Great Sand Sea, a vast swath of desert that dominates northeastern Africa.
The fairways are bracketed with heather, and then with gorse, so that at the right time of year when everything is blooming, the course becomes a sea of green, purple and yellow that is compounded by the sea, the sand, and some of the most incredible sunsets anyplace.
The sand helps sea defences by reducing the impact of the waves on the promenade.
Regis happens at dusk or later, when gigantic sea turtles clamber onto the sand to deposit their eggs.
The sand helps the sea defences by reducing the impact of the fierce waves which regularly batter the promenade, particularly during the winter months.
Gulls swoop off the sides of the winding path, down the sheer drop to the white sand and turquoise sea hundreds of feet below.
In early 1998, as more bombs were found, and after an abortive attempt to filter out the ammunition, the navy abandoned the beach-replenishment project, dumping the sand into the sea instead.
The anchorchain arcs down into it, through shafts of sunlight, to where the sand is patched with sea-grass.
It forms a perfect medley of sand, sun and sea and is an ideal spot to slip away from reality.
Formed by storm tides as early as the 10th Century, the Wadden Sea is responsible for the distinctive formations of its many islands, characterised by high sand dunes and lush, wide beaches on the open sea side and a shallow coast towards the mainland.
They claim holes left in the sea bed from ships extracting gravel and sand are being refilled with sand from the shoreline of their local beaches.
Because you'll be a sleeping beauty in an oceanfront hotel for two nights, skip over the sand and glimpse under the sea with Discover Diving Dive Center.
Soon they walked, drunk, surrounded by a pack of hungry strays, toward a glaring white strip of beach and the black sea and blue froth crashing on the sand.
And while towns fortify beaches and dunes and put up sea walls, rock barriers or even sand-filled fabric tubes to guard against future storms, state governments are readying hundreds of millions of dollars to buy out homeowners in flood-prone areas who want to leave.
It was not the miles of palm-fringed, white sand or the ludicrously blue sea that stunned me the Caribbean is littered with beaches fit for postcards it was the fact that there was virtually no development in any direction and hardly a soul in sight.
Fresh from constructing a sea-level canal through the flat Egyptian sand, de Lesseps was determined, without having set foot in Panama and after only the vaguest of topographical studies, that his project through the mountainous central American isthmus would also be a sea-level canal, requiring no locks to cope with changes in altitude.
Sections of fence have been put up with sea buckthorn planted behind, which has caught the sand and created new dunes.
The average temperature is above 40C, the sea is like a warm bath, the golden sand burns your feet and the ubiquitous tarmac is starting to sizzle.
Because the land underneath Songdo didn't exist, the government of Incheon dumped 110 million cubic yards of dredged sand and mountain rubble into the Yellow Sea.
One of the reasons why Plakias and other southern getaways have remained relatively immune from mass tourism is the terrific summer wind that roars through everything, pelting beach-goers with sand and whipping up whitecaps on the sea.
Dredging: excavation, digging, scraping, draglining, suction dredging to emove sand, silt, rock or other underwater sea-bottom material.
But the Gold Coast can also surprise even the most dedicated beach snob with its sea hazed dunes, warm waves and soft, clean sand.
Girguam Chowpattty is the next stop for a late-afternoon amble along a beautiful swathe of sand edged by sparkling (if toxic) sea and backed by the Mumbai skyline.
In the Western Cape, towering sand dunes run to the edge of the sea and you examine a stunning and extensive collection of ancient rock art.