After that, she spent six months in a searing job hunt focused on CSR.
On Tuesday, the fire danger spiked with searing temperatures and single-digit humidity across Western states.
In searing heat, it was perhaps that the first half was such a low-scoring affair.
Internally searing at how unromantic the gift was, she looked up to find her boyfriend beaming.
The anecdotes of Jim's gruff criticisms, his searing, acerbic comments on writers' stories, are legion.
Lazaro Cardenas, the governor of Michoacan, gave a searing speech calling for a change in direction.
Speed, power, balance and a searing shot with his left foot combine to terrorize defenses.
FORBES: Bale Comparisons With Messi and Ronaldo Don't Hold Up But .......
The royal blue sky glared down on the grey brittlebush, and the heat was searing.
Warrington then hit back when Myler went racing over following a searing midfield break from Mickey Higham.
To make fesenjan, you start by searing duck or chicken pieces until they're browned on both sides.
His articles are sometimes pure comedy for its own sake, but often include counter-intuitive and searing insight.
It was a searing indictment for sure, yet the legacy Rumsfeld leaves behind is not so simple.
The latter penned a searing tome of drug abuse, violence and redemption, 2003's A Million Little Pieces.
Inaccuracies in Apple Maps could be "life-threatening" to motorists in Australia's searing heat, police have warned.
In stark contrast, Pedrosa profited from a searing start to zip into the lead and never relinquished it.
The fourth Wednesday of July 2005 was the fifteenth day of a searing heat wave in the Northeast.
In searing 100-degree heat, cars crept up north I-45, windows down, air conditioning off to save precious gasoline.
In the Olympic stadium, you sat on a grassy bank under the searing heat of the midsummer sun.
The families' water buckets are usually empty after days - sometimes weeks - trekking through the searing heat.
Three TIFF films open Friday in the U.S., and all three offer searing portraits of the impact of violence.
Most of his roles embody pious self-righteousness, and that made watching Washington's searing portrayal of evil incarnate particularly satisfying.
"Grief, " a searing 1942 picture of a Crimean battlefield, shows an anguished peasant discovering the body of her husband.
There's also "Let Me Move You" with Mr. Youngblood in a Junior Walker groove and Hendrix playing several searing solos.
So don't expect any searing and transparent post-mortem of the team's performance, or a sensible plan for the future.
Hamilton started second on the grid behind Vettel and hunted him down, searing by him on the 42nd lap.
WSJ: Formula One: Lewis Hamilton Wins U.S. Grand Prix in Texas
Bake in searing Florida sun and serve on 45 islands scattershot over a 113-mile-long chain, connected by one long road.
In Harare, thousands waited all weekend in the searing sun, but still failed to reach the front of the queue.
Thing is, this season is sure to be a hit there as well even without searing-red silks and kimono-like blouses.
"Grief, " a searing 1942 picture of a muddy Crimean battlefield, shows an anguished peasant discovering the body of her husband.
Aside from doing the morally right thing, Jane Searing said, funding more programs for adults with autism makes economic sense.