The second best-selling active NBA pitchman is Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers.
Their 96-66 record was the second best in baseball behind the Philadelphia Phillies.
The railroads were the second best performing industry group, up 25.7%, followed by the transportation services.
"Today we were significantly second best and we can't hide from that, " admitted Ryan.
He rates Argentina as the second best team in the world, although Fifa place them sixth.
Waltz picked up his second best supporting actor Oscar for that role at this year's Academy Awards.
That's the difference between being second best in Asia-Pacific (the WEF's take) versus fifth or seventh best.
Having said that, Price admits she keeps her distance from whoever comes out second best, in any match.
One track, Second Best To None, has been recorded by employees at the hotel Andersson owns in Stockholm.
The Hang Seng Index was up 2% to 23020.27, its second best daily performance in 2013 so far.
But they have since had to make do with second best behind Armstrong and the US Postal train.
The record was the second best-seller of the year, selling 3.1 million copies in just over two months.
Lloyds, for instance, has risen nearly 6% over the past week, making it the second best performer in Europe.
Temporary monopolies of intellectual property are a second best that can only be justified by the need for incentives.
The title's second best-selling issue belongs to a May 7 cover featuring Pitt with Aniston, which saw sales up 18%.
Some Town managers have seen them as very much second best to the League, something Malpas is keen to change.
The best decision I ever made was to start my first company, the second best was to close it down.
FORBES: Why Big Questions And Bad Decisions Make Better Entrepreneurs
Overall, Rice ranks as the second best offensive player of the mid '70s to mid '80s, right behind Hall-of-Famer Mike Schmidt.
Ohio State also does not have to play No. 13 Michigan State, probably the second best squad in the Big 10.
That looks a poor second best, because the giants would still own the transmission system, but it is better than nothing.
And it looks like the second best option would be ... yes, you've guessed - past the bottom of my front garden.
The 2006 world champion lost his opening match to Ali Carter and then came off second best against compatriot Marcus Campbell too.
As second best, the British packed him off to Mesopotamia in 1921.
Its high-school attainment rate is 92%, the second best in the country.
"We were second best by quite some way, " said the back-row forward.
Last year's big winner was the Cleveland Cavaliers, which won the first pick despite having the second best odds of getting it.
Sydney will have to be content with being the second best ever.
Claire Williams finished fifth in the women's F13 discus, but the 16-year-old threw 35.26m - her second best throw of all time.
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport | Paralympics | Track gold lifts Britain
Karstens is 8-5 with a 2.28 ERA, second best in the league.
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He then had to watch Ivanovic lose a two-hour 38 minute tussle with Garrigues before they were second best in the doubles.