The Secretary of State for Justice, Ken Clarke, has suggested that financial help in civil cases should only be routinely available in situations where "life or liberty" was at stake.
BBC: Disabled teenager from Grimsby fights to save legal aid
Lord Justice Thomas ruled the papers put before the justice secretary for him to make his decision "did not put a balanced case".
Mr Miliband said the decision to release Megrahi had been a choice for the Scottish justice secretary alone.
Also under pressure: Justice Secretary Serafin Cuevas, for including a priest killer among convicts granted presidential pardons.
Prisoners will also work harder to ensure that they earn money for victims and not just for themselves, the justice secretary added.
For Labour, Shadow Justice Secretary Sadiq Khan claimed the government was "cutting too far and too fast" in the prison and probation services.
BBC: Probation staff 'spend just 24% of time with offenders'
That is why Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill asked for an audit of community services to get a clear picture of where we are in meeting our targets for getting offenders started on - and completing - their punishments.
Shadow Justice Secretary Sadiq Khan, MP for Tooting, said he was "devastated" by the "terrible news".
He could become a minister for justice, but the home secretary does most of that job already.
For a start, the Justice Secretary's plan to largely eliminate short sentences should reduce the prison population significantly.
Chris Grayling, the new justice secretary, emphasised the right for householders to defend themselves fiercely against intruders without fear of prosecution.
Labour would apply freedom of information (FoI) laws to private firms working for the government, shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan has said.
"I take this issue very seriously and my priority is to ensure that taxpayers' money is spent appropriately and delivers value for money, " the justice secretary said.
BBC: Serco and G4S face billing probe over electronic tagging
The family of a man who died when he was knocked down by a speeding car has met Justice Secretary Chris Grayling to call for tougher penalties.
In an article for the Guardian, the justice secretary said it had "not yet been widely recognised" that the majority of those charged with rioting or looting were known criminals.
But Justice Secretary Ken Clarke blamed Labour for the "historic" problem with probation staff spending too much time on paperwork and suggested Mr Khan was "in denial" about the UK's "deficit problem".
BBC: Probation staff 'spend just 24% of time with offenders'
In an interview for the same publication, Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said the Conservatives needed to do more to appeal to their core supporters but also those who voted for UKIP in 2010, or did not vote at all, if they wanted to win power outright.
After the meeting, Downing Street said Mr Cameron had asked the Education Secretary Michael Gove to examine arrangements for confronting extreme views in schools, Business Secretary Vince Cable to monitor universities and Justice Secretary Chris Grayling to do the same in prisons.
Nicol Stephen, the Liberal Democrat MSP for Aberdeen South, told the justice secretary, if he closed the Aberdeen laboratory it would create a "criminals' charter".
Another calls for legal aid to be administered by an independent director - preventing the justice secretary from taking direct control of the legal aid budget, which would allow him to block funding for particular kinds of action, such as clinical negligence, welfare claims or miscarriages of justice against the police.
The Justice Secretary Ken Clarke has done an article for the newspaper saying "the Daily Mail has done a service to the public interest".
Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill saw his amendment, calling for a presumption against prison sentences of three months or less, passed.
But the justice secretary warned there would be "consequences" for the UK's position in Europe if MPs chose to defy the judgement.
Justice Secretary Jack Straw would not agree to an interview for the programme, despite repeated requests .
The Centre for Social Justice was set up by Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, in 2004.
Prime Minister David Cameron said the issue needed to be reviewed and the Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, agreed the maximum sentences for disqualified drivers who caused death or serious injury were too low.
BBC: Gloucester MP campaigns for dangerous driving laws reform
The justice secretary said he was not "necessarily" calling for more EU vetoes and he acknowledged there were things the party might like to do but could not because it was in coalition.
Ms Goldie said: "there is one local weapon available to us - community intelligence" and as such there was a place for community representatives at the summit announced by the justice secretary during the debate.
Former head of Scotland Yard Sir Ian Blair has urged people not to vote, arguing the new police areas will be too big for any individual to represent properly - a remark Justice Secretary Chris Grayling dismissed as "a very silly thing to say".
Mr Baird said he will now be asking Justice Secretary Ken Clarke to "consider afresh" his claim for compensation applying the new test set out by the Court.