Only a small section of the paper indirectly referred to Southern Weekly's recent row with the censors.
Two lower courts denied jurisdiction on the grounds the article originally appeared in the metro section of the paper and was directed at a New York audience.
The new What's News section plays off of the paper's own daily hit list of headlines.
In the previously discussed folate paper the Methods section points out how the authors manipulated the stratification of subjects based on what they already believed regarding when folate would be active during pregnancy.
FORBES: This Tasty Diet Can Prevent Heart Attacks And Strokes, Study Says
But if a paper lacks a methods section, there is no way of verifying whether the results were simply invented.
One was Lloyd Grove, a wry, acerbic writer for the paper's Style section who specialized in lampooning the idiosyncracies and idiocies of politicians of all stripes.
The boy's father, Bill Richard, is a community leader in the Ashmont section of Dorchester, according to the paper.
The second article, which appeared on the front page of the paper's "Money and Investing" section, details Missouri Treasurer Sarah Steelman's spearheading of terror-free investing initiatives in her own state and around the country.
But the NHL, the City of Glendale, and our local paper the Arizona Republic (after all, the sports section drives a lot of revenue) have all piled on Goldwater.
The full paper can be read at, under the Analysis Briefs section.
He cites a 1978 paper that showed a link between the gene behind sickle cell disease and a variation in a section of junk DNA. Jacobson dismisses as poppycock the notion that noncoding DNA was understood back then.
To test this idea, Dr Hebets turned to her make-up bag and brought out two shades of nail varnish (NailSlicks, midnight metal and bronze ice, as her paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences quite properly describes in its materials and methods section, in case any other researcher wishes to replicate the experiment).