France's strict secularism, entrenched by law since 1905, keeps religion firmly out of the state sphere.
The AKP sees the military, judiciary and state bureaucracy as the last bastion of conservative secularism.
Or are Christians of all hues mending fences as they cope with secularism and Islam?
As ever in Turkey's mix of official secularism and popular piety, the truth is more complex.
American secularism proved more alluring than the sore-thumb Jewish sort, and the camp closed in 1971.
In Western Europe secularism would be the undisputed champion were it not for migration.
And despite his party's religious roots, he has not interfered with Turkey's vaunted secularism.
Hence, too, the decision by President Jacques Chirac to set up a commission on secularism.
To this day Turkey's political and legal system bears the marks of years of army-guided secularism.
So here, the interpretational secularism is much more strict than, say, in France or in the States.
They are reaching out beyond the old divides of Israeli religiousness and secularism, diasporic Orthodoxy, Conservatism and Reform.
It is true that the raw figures hide a far more complex story, both about Christianity and secularism.
BBC: 2011 Census: Is Christianity shrinking or just changing?
Mr Erdogan has made plain that he has no intention of undermining the constitution's basic principles, including secularism.
They see the armed forces as the guarantor of secularism and the last defence against the rise of fundamentalism.
When Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the AK prime minister, markets the Turkish model in the Arab world, he stresses secularism.
The shocks of secularism, immigration and rival faiths have already shaken up the complacency of Anglicanism in peculiar ways.
The future shape of secularism in Turkey depends on changes that may yet be introduced to the political system.
As a faith-based creed, populism always tended to corrode respect for elite achievement, individualism, urban life, secularism, and capitalism.
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Mr Erdogan roundly rejects the label Islamist, yet his party has Islamist roots and its actions sometimes challenge Turkey's secularism.
And in Israel, where faith and secularism are very often in conflict, that ideology turns out to be very attractive.
Kafka had a complex relationship with Judaism, veering between secularism and Zionism at an uneasy time for Jews in Eastern Europe.
And Muslim women who observe a strict dress code are seen as a challenge to European notions of secularism and modernity.
And his success on television has been vaunted as evidence of the tolerance of Turkey's unique mix of Islam and secularism.
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The Institutional Revolutionary Party, which ran Mexico for seven decades until 2000, persecuted the church with varying vigour and imposed secularism.
Unlike in Turkey, however, where the army has traditionally championed Ataturk's uncompromising secularism, Egypt's generals do not reveal their political inclinations.
The French Government has been split on whether to ban headscarves in public institutions because of its policy of strict secularism.
Until now she has been all mystique: bride in a family of martyrs, patroness of the disadvantaged, goddess of Indian secularism.
Benedict was unable to stop the tide of growing secularism in Europe and the United States, though he often railed against it.
Nor are questions about secularism and individual rights absent in non-Muslim societies.
The military has been seen as a protector of secularism in Turkey.