The bubble popped when Nomura, which was then a powerful securities firm, decided that it should.
Madoff founded his securities firm in 1960 and expanded to a worldwide client base.
Shares in Japanese banks fell precipitously when Yamaichi Securities, then Japan's fourth-largest securities firm, went bust in November.
In 1975 he founded DSP Financial Consultants, an investment banking and securities firm.
Stock was actually sold shortly after Anschutz transferred it to a securities firm.
Wheatley's most pressing task is sorting through the wreckage left by the bankruptcy of New York securities firm Lehman Brothers Holdings.
James Gorman appears to be too focused on remaking the securities firm than proselytizing for a whole industry or value set.
No bonuses this year, either, at Bear Stearns (nyse: BSC - news - people ), Wall Street's fifth-biggest securities firm.
FORBES: Morgan Stanley's Mack Joins Wall Steet's Bonus Bereft
"In Japan, people think that if industry leader Nomura was doing it, every other securities firm must have been doing it, too, " Mr Maeda says.
As for Timor quality, Cholid, a driver whose wife works for a Jakarta securities firm, says he won't be swapping his Toyota for a Timor.
"This is a big picture budget making the best out of a bad situation, " aid Sujan Hajra, chief economist at Anand Rathi, Mumbai-based securities firm.
K.Goh, Singapore's largest securities firm, was certainly out of the ordinary.
"Every single securities firm in Russia set up derivatives structures which were legal, to invest in Gazprom shares... there was nothing illegal going on, " he said.
Lazard is one of the most talked-about initial public offerings of the year and the second largest for a securities firm since Goldman's own IPO in 1999.
Foreign securities are another option, but investors can buy them only through a securities firm, and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act still puts obstacles in their way.
Turkey might look a little more ripe for investments in 2011 when people like Mehmet Sami, executive board member of securities firm Ata Invest, anticipate that it will become an investment grade country.
For the first quarter of this year, the picture is even bleaker: a 5% decline over the past year implying, says Nicholas Brooks of the securities firm Santander Investment, that the crisis is worsening.
At Toronto-based securities firm Loewen, Ondaatje, McCutcheon Ltd.
The paradoxical message of William Cohan's compelling history of the world's most envied and recently at least most pilloried securities firm is that much of what Goldman does seems to warrant admiration and opprobrium in equal measure.
No shame here--the company has made some smart moves, such as unloading the securities firm DLJ before the onset of the bear market--but it has not gotten the celebrated jump on the American International Group.
Upending a closely watched ritual in place since 1996, the New York securities firm told employees Thursday it now plans to promote a new crop of managing directors every two years, instead of each year.
As the frontline regulator of every securities firm doing business with the public in the United States, we at FINRA understand we are going to be subject to scrutiny and criticism by the public and media.
FORBES: Securities Firm Regulator FINRA Responds To Its Critics
Goldman Sachs is a global investment banking and securities firm, providing a full range of investing, advisory and financing services worldwide to a substantial and diversified client base, which includes corporations, financial institutions, governments, and high net worth individuals.
FORBES: Hedge Fund Manager Mohnish Pabrai Buys Chesapeake Energy, GM, Sells Goldman Sachs
According to the complaint filed with the U.S. District Court of Southern New York, two senior employees of the securities broker firm told investigators that Madoff ran the advisory business from a separate floor of the securities firm offices.
Some economists argue plausibly that signs of slowing consumer spending are already apparent: Simon Briscoe, an economist at Nikko Europe, a securities firm, points out that a whole host of economic variables, from car registrations to retail sales, are weaker than they were six months ago.
Yet securities research firm Macquarie Capital estimates there is a shortage of pressure-pumping services.
For example, the primary method that investment advisors place trades at one major securities brokerage firm is via a Java application.
Affin's subsidiaries include the recently acquired Antara Discount securities trading firm.
And confidence in credit-card asset-backed securities is pretty firm despite paralysis in other corners of structured finance.
When he turned 80, he sold it to private-equity firm American Securities Capital Partners.