Of course, without the heated atmosphere of a crisis, it would be much harder to persuade people to trust some of their Social Security money to the private investment markets.
Davis and Schwartz said in their prepared remarks that federal homeland security money spent since the 2001 terror attacks has benefited Boston, and they urged Congress not to reduce that spending.
New York officials have long complained that they receive an inadequate share of federal homeland security money, given the fact that the nation's largest city faces a heightened threat from terrorists.
The bonds represent a promise to pay Social Security the money back if it is ever needed to pay promised benefits.
The reluctance to dig deeper into their pockets has been all the more deplorable given the extra security the money could buy.
The end result is more money for you from Social Security and less money for the IRS. That sounds like a good deal.
Instead, what makes people happy is the feeling of security or power money brings.
During the '50s, even the '60s, security analysis and money management dwelled in a comparatively primitive stage.
The sad truth is that income has much less to do with financial security than proper money management does.
If you're not a security analyst or money manager with a broad knowledge base covering a range of industries, forget about annuals and concentrate on the proxy statement.
"That's a legitimate worry, " said Mr Bocque with regards to the guards' crime concerns, though he stressed that modern security technologies and revised routines have in recent years almost eliminated injuries among security staff transporting money.
Bush noted that his new budget nearly doubles spending for homeland security, including money for equipment and training for state and local police, firefighters and rescue workers who would be first on the scene in the event of another terrorist attack.
And based on the former conclusion, the Obama administration feels comfortable escalating its demands that Israel give land, security powers and money to Fatah, even as it unifies its forces with Hamas and so expands Hamas's power from Gaza to Judea and Samaria.
And also, if you could clarify your Social Security position -- would any of the money from Social Security, even from just Chained CPI, go toward the deficit as opposed to back into the trust fund?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on Deficit Reduction
It is funny, but the people in life who are primarily motivated by money or security often end up losing whatever they gain, whereas those who follow their passion end up making far more money than they ever desired.
FORBES: Robert Greene: How to Become the Master of Any Skill
If money does not move towards people without wages and security, workers will follow the money trail.
"Companies have to justify the decision to spend money on security, " says Rep. Thornberry.
"My thinking was that you could lose money on security to bet on development, " he says.
"We can shortchange critical needs, such as strengthening homeland security, or we can raid the Social Security surplus and borrow money to pay for them, " he said.
Reforming the system, however, cannot be evaded, even though the day of reckoning -- when Social Security runs out of money -- can and probably will be postponed.
In March, the team flirted with the prospect of chasing free agent Peyton Manning, only to bail out of the derby and award Sanchez more money and security.
"He stored money, he gave money to others to store, bought cars, used money as security, and obtained euro value for the northern sterling, " Cork Circuit Criminal Court heard.
Security and focused on money laundering and other financial crimes, built an air-tight case against nearly a dozen Con Ed supervisors and former employees involved in a kickback scheme.
Most outside analysts believe North Korea sees its nuclear threat as a negotiating tool to force the U.S. and other countries to provide it with money and security guarantees.
Most outside analysts believe North Korea used its nuclear threat as a negotiating tool to force the U.S. and other countries to provide it with money and security guarantees.
But as Colin Powell pointed out during a brief tour of Africa earlier in the year, money loves security and stability, and, in much of the continent, those commodities remain in short supply.
Many outside analysts believe North Korea sees its nuclear threat as a negotiating tool to force the U.S. and other countries to provide it with money and security guarantees, and restarting its 1980s-era reactor would add further pressure to the North's foes.
And that sum doesn't even cover all of Ellison's security costs: The billionaire also spent his own money installing top-of-the-line security systems in his Malibu and Woodside, Calif.